What means dissent?

What means dissent?

1 : to withhold assent or approval. 2 : to differ in opinion Three of the justices dissented from the majority opinion. dissent. noun.

What is the synonym of dissent?

disagreement, lack of agreement, difference of opinion, argument, dispute, demur. disapproval, objection, protest, opposition, defiance, insubordination. conflict, friction, strife. arguing, quarrelling, wrangling, bickering.

What does it mean to stifle dissent?

forceful prevention; putting down by power or authority. “the stifling of all dissent” synonyms: crushing, quelling, suppression. types: crackdown. severely repressive actions.

What does Black dissent mean?

The term is most commonly used in American law to denote the explicitdisagreement of one or more judges of a court with the decision passed by the majorityupon a case before them.

What does it mean when a judge concurs?

Concurring in judgment means that the judge agrees with the majority decision (the case’s ultimate outcome in terms of who wins and who loses) but not with the reasoning of the majority opinion (why one side wins and the other loses).

What is a word for someone who disagrees?

A contrarian is someone who takes an opposing view, especially for the sake of being difficult, contentious or in opposition to the generally held view. This could also be used as an adjective.

What is the opposite of being petty?

petty. Antonyms: bountiful, chivalrous, disinterested, free, free-handed, free-hearted, generous, liberal, magnanimous, munificent, noble, open-handed, open-hearted. Synonyms: avaricious, close, covetous, greedy, ignoble, illiberal, mean, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious, penurious, rapacious, stingy.

What is the meaning of disdain?

verb (used with object) to look upon or treat with contempt; despise; scorn. to think unworthy of notice, response, etc.; consider beneath oneself: to disdain replying to an insult.

What is an example of disddain?

Disdain is defined as to reject or refuse something with contempt. An example of disdain is a cat refusing to eat a new type of food. To regard or treat with haughty contempt. Critics who disdained the writer as a hack. A feeling or show of contempt and aloofness; scorn.

What does disdain hath power to kill?

Disdain hath power to kill, and patience dies Slain by suspicion, be it false or true; And deadly is the force of jealousy; Long absence makes of life a dreary void; No hope of happiness can give repose To him that ever fears to be forgot; And death, inevitable, waits in hall.

What does it mean to dislike someone?

1. uncountable noun. If you feel disdain for someone or something, you dislike them because you think that they are inferior or unimportant.

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