Who owns GWG Brantford?
Levi Strauss Canada Inc., which by 1972 fully owned GWG, took over management of the Brantford plants in January 1980. Peter Haas of Levi Strauss in San Francisco pushed expansion of the Elgin Street plant after seeing the working conditions at Edward Street. Levi Strauss completed the $2.1 million project in 1981.
When did GWG become GWG limited?
In 1978, GWG (Eastern) Limited changed its name to GWG Limited. GWG became well respected in Brantford for its community service. Introduced in 1978, Community Involvement Teams (CIT) raised funds for numerous causes, both locally and internationally. In 1979, approximately 500 people were employed in Brantford.
Who is Great Western garment?
Great Western Garment’s Brantford history began in August 1965 with the purchase of Kitchen-Peabody Garments Limited, the early history of which paralleled that of GWG.