How do you become a First Class 7a?

How do you become a First Class 7a?

7a. Demonstrate bandages for a sprained ankle and for injuries on the head, the upper arm, and the collarbone. 7b. By yourself and with a partner, show how to: • Transport a person from a smoke-filled room.

What does the First Class rank mean?

First Class Scout is a rank in the Boy Scouts of America, the rank above Second Class and below Star Scout. It is the highest of the lower four ranks in Scouting, and is the minimum rank that need be attained for entry into the Order of the Arrow.

How do you get to First Class 9a?

–9a. Visit and discuss with a selected individual approved by your leader (for example, an elected official, judge, attorney, civil servant, principal, or teacher) the constitutional rights and obligations of a U.S. citizen.

What are the principles of Tread Lightly?

The T.R.E.A.D. Principles are: Travel Responsibly | Respect the Rights of Others | Educate Yourself | Avoid Sensitive Areas | Do Your Part. Learn more about Tread Lightly!

When should you and should you not use lashings?

There are times to not use lashings. Do not build structures without permission while camping – never build lashing structures in backcountry. If lashing is permitted, only use approved materials, then untie all structures and practice principles of leave no trace.

What is the rank after First Class?

There are 13 enlisted Army ranks: private, private second class, private first class, specialist, corporal, sergeant, staff sergeant, sergeant first class, master sergeant, first sergeant, sergeant major, command sergeant major and sergeant major of the Army.

What is the first class badge?

The first class scout badge is obtained after one has completed the Tenderfoot and Second Class Ranks. After obtaining First Class, almost all of the basic skills have been taught and tested. This shows that a Scout is able to point the right way in life as truly as the compass points it in the field.

What is tread carefully?

DEFINITIONS1. to be very careful what you do or say, so that you do not make a mistake or cause a problem. Investors should tread carefully until new interest rates are announced. Synonyms and related words.

What will it take for you to learn first aid?

To be proficient in First Aid, you must first learn proper emergency responses, such as how to approach the sick or injured person, what to check for in a situation, and of course, how to keep yourself safe while helping another person.

How can I become First Aid certified?

How to get first-aid and CPR training Understand the benefits of CPR and first aid. How to check the scene of the emergency. Find a CPR and first-aid course. You can find either online or in-person courses in most areas. Take a refresher class. Evaluate the time commitment. Assemble a first-aid kit.

What is the standard first aid course?

Standard First Aid Course Content: The following is a general overview of the course content in a workplace approved standard first aid course: CPR for adult, child and infant victims. Obstructed airway (choking) recognition and treatment for victims of all ages. Circulatory emergency recognition and treatment.

What are the different levels of first aid?

There are several different levels of first aid training, ranging from the most basic skills, like cleaning a wound and applying a bandage, to more advanced forms, such as using an Automatic Electronic Defibrillator (AED) to help someone who is having a heart attack.

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