How do you say God bless you?

How do you say God bless you?

Different Ways to Say “Bless You!”


Is it correct to say let God bless you?

“May God bless you” is correct. It’s a subjunctive form, actually, where the subjunctive is being used as a sort of third person imperative.

Is it rude to say God bless you?

“May God bless you with the wisdom to reconsider your decision” probably is rude. If you know that it will irritate them then it is rude. But if you don’t know that it is irritating to them and you sincerely mean it, then it is not rude.

What can I say instead of God bless you?

It’s not English, but it’s been adopted (in North America at least) as one of the two only acceptable responses to a sneeze- “[God] bless you,” or “Gesundheit.” Or say nothing.

How do you use God bless in a sentence?

God-bless sentence example

  1. I have to admit to getting quite misty-eyed when I got my copy of the book God bless Karl and his lens.
  2. Posted by Dave on 9 March, 2004 at 1:22 PM God bless ya ma’am.
  3. I will say again thank u and God bless u with ur views.
  4. May God bless them.”

Why do people say God bless you?

One of the symptoms of the plague was coughing and sneezing, and it is believed that Pope Gregory I (Gregory the Great) suggested saying “God bless you” after a person sneezed in hopes that this prayer would protect them from an otherwise certain death. The expression may have also originated from superstition.

Why shouldn’t you say bless you?

When people don’t say bless you, we begin to suspect they don’t care about our well-being. As etiquette columnist Miss Manners once observed, it’s considered more rude for people getting hit with snot shrapnel to bypass the bless you than it is for the person detonating the germ bombs to fail to say excuse me.

What are some other ways to say ‘God Bless You’?

May you fully admit your emptiness and helplessness.

  • May your knowledge about your unworthiness draw you to cry out and mourn.
  • May all of your fleshly confidence and pride be fully smashed that you may trust no one but GOD.
  • May you be fully convinced that your are disgustingly sinful and crave for genuine righteousness that comes from Christ alone.
  • What does the Bible say about God Bless You?

    Most of the time the Bible talks about God (or people) blessing people. Occasionally, though, it does talk about blessing God. In the Old Testament, the word is the Hebrew, barach. The Jews have hundreds of specific blessings, called berachot, they use to bless God.

    Why do people say “God Bless You”?

    Sharon Schweitzer, who has written about etiquette, says that even today, many people still believe that saying “God bless you” or “bless you” is an indication of social standing, social graces and kindness , whether you are familiar with the historical origins or not. “Our parents taught us to say it, so we feel compelled to do so, even in 2019.”

    Why do we say “God Bless You” after a sneeze?

    One belief is that it originated in Rome when the bubonic plague was raging through Europe. One of the symptoms of the plague was coughing and sneezing, and it is believed that Pope Gregory I (Gregory the Great) suggested saying “God bless you” after a person sneezed in hopes that this prayer would protect them from an otherwise certain death .

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