What is a 309 transaction in SAP?

What is a 309 transaction in SAP?

309 Movement type is used for Transferring Material stock to the Material stock. You can transfer the material unrestricted stock to material unrestricted stock.

What is 301 movement type in SAP?

Movement Type:301 Movement type 301 is used to transfer material from a storage location in one plant to a storage location in a different plant. The value of the material is transferred at the moving average price of the issuing plant. Movement 301 needs to be used each time material is moved from plant to plant.

What is 551 movement type in SAP?

Movement Type 551 is used for scarp material .. In your warehouse, you may at times find products that are damaged or unusable for some other reason. You often notice this, for example, during picking or physical inventory. Since you cannot usually sell these products on, you have to scrap them.

What is a 342 Movement in SAP?

342 is reversal of the same. allowed transaction are. MSC2 Change Batch.

What is a 341 Movement in SAP?

7. 341 Change in status of a batch (available to unavailable) This goods movement is automatically created when there is a change in the status of a batch and it is also used to transfer the unrestricted-use stock into restricted-use stock.

What is the meaning of movement Type 309 for T-code mb1b?

What is the meaning of movement type 309 ( Transfer posting Material to material.) for the t-code MB1B

Can I book in im 309 instead of Wm 309?

You will get TR’s or deliveries (depending on setup). Check LS26 what the stock is doing. If you do not succeed book over to IM stock, do booking there and book to WM stock again. But you can do it in WM for sure. The standard configuration for IM 309 to WM 309 should work just fine for you.

What is the value of 309 in the material master record?

So by posting a 309, you are reducing the stock of grape juice and increasing the quantity of red wine. Now, there will also be considerable value addition to this material. The only constraint in doing this is to have the same base unit of measure in the material master record.

What does 309 mean in wine production?

Now we have not done anything to this material but the material has changed over value and quality (which is separate topic) over the period of time. So by posting a 309, you are reducing the stock of grape juice and increasing the quantity of red wine. Now, there will also be considerable value addition to this material.

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