What do wispy clouds mean?
Cirrus clouds are wispy, feathery, and composed entirely of ice crystals. They often are the first sign of an approaching warm front or upper-level jet streak. Unlike cirrus, cirrostratus clouds form more of a widespread, veil-like layer (similar to what stratus clouds do in low levels).
What weather do cumulus clouds indicate?
Mostly, cumulus indicates fair weather, often popping up on bright sunny days. Though if conditions allow, cumulus can grow into towering cumulus congestus or cumulonimbus clouds, which can produce showers.
Do stratus clouds mean fair weather?
Stratus clouds look like flat sheets of clouds. These clouds can mean an overcast day or steady rain.
What kind of weather do stratus clouds predict?
These clouds can forecast some of the most extreme weather, including heavy rain, hail, snow, thunderstorms, tornadoes and hurricanes. Stratus – dull greyish clouds that stretch across and block the sky. They look like fog in the sky. Stratus cover is also called overcast.
Are cirrostratus clouds high or low?
Cirrostratus are sheet-like, high-level clouds composed of ice crystals. Though cirrostratus can cover the entire sky and be up to several thousand feet thick, they are relatively transparent, as the sun or the moon can easily be seen through them.
Are cirrostratus clouds stable?
Cumulus humilis or stratocumulus clouds are often found below cirrostratus formations, due to the stable air associated with cirrostratus creating an inversion and restricting convection, causing cumuliform clouds to become flattened.
What do cotton ball clouds mean?
Cumulus clouds are puffy white or light gray clouds that look like floating cotton balls. At this height, high winds will flatten the top of the cloud out into an anvil-like shape. Cumulonimbus clouds are associated with heavy rain, hail, lightning, and tornadoes.
What does cirrus clouds look like?
Cirrus clouds are short, detached, hair-like clouds found at high altitudes. These delicate clouds are wispy, with a silky sheen, or look like tufts of hair. In the daytime, they are whiter than any other cloud in the sky. While the Sun is setting or rising, they may take on the colours of the sunset.
What is a Cirrus spissatus cloud?
A cirrus spissatus cloud is a thick cirrus cloud. This species of cirrus cloud is fairly recognizable and distinct. Often, there are other species of cirrus clouds within close proximation. The proper cloud classification abbreviation for this cloud is ‘Ci spi’.
What clouds have wispy streaks at the end of their tails?
These wispy streaks of cirrus cannot be seen without a characteristic ‘flick’ at the end of its tail Cirrus spissatus – These clouds sit right at the top of the troposphere. A thick, dense cirrus layer that dominates much of the sky above, often formed by passing warm fronts or the remnants of a cumulonimbus incus.
What are the characteristics of cirrus clouds?
Cirrus spissatus clouds are the highest of the main cloud genera, and may sometimes even occur in the lower stratosphere. The characteristic features of cirrus clouds are fine threads or wisps of ice crystals, generally white, but appearing grey when dense and seen against the light.
What is a pre-cipitation cloud?
Precipitation cloud? Cirrus spissatus clouds are the highest of the main cloud genera, and may sometimes even occur in the lower stratosphere. The characteristic features of cirrus clouds are fine threads or wisps of ice crystals, generally white, but appearing grey when dense and seen against the light.