What did the Nppf replace?
The then-Minister for Planning and Decentralisation, Greg Clark MP, suggested it introduced a simpler and more accessible approach to planning policy. The framework replaced a wide range of previous planning policy statements and planning policy guidance (see Planning policy replaced by the NPPF).
Can you build flood zone 2?
If the outcome of the sequential test is that homes have to be built in an area at risk of flooding – either Flood Zones 2 or 3 – then you need to show how the development will be made safe in the event of a flood. In its simplest guise, the floor level of homes can be raised above the likely height of any flooding.
How do you write a flood risk assessment?
What to include in your assessment
- your site address.
- a description of your development.
- an assessment of the flood risk from all sources of flooding for your development, plus an allowance for climate change.
- the estimated flood level for your development.
- details of your flood resistance and resilience plans.
When was NPPF last updated?
The National Planning Policy Framework which sets out the government’s planning policies for England was revised on the 20th of July 2021. The revisions increased the focus on design quality, not only for sites individually but for places as a whole.
Why was NPPF introduced?
The NPPF sets out the Government’s intention to “provide local communities with the tools they need to energise their local economies, meet housing needs, plan for a low-carbon future and protect the environmental and cultural landscapes that they value.” The stated purpose of the document is to “ensure that the …
Would you buy a house in a flood zone 2?
Buying a house in a flood zone 2 is very much possible but you should consider a few things first: Getting a mortgage will be hard. Getting home insurance will be hard. Selling the home will be difficult.
How does a flood risk assessment work?
A flood risk assessment (FRA) is a document that reviews a development in its proposal form to assess it against the risk of flooding, whether that be from groundwater, river (fluvial), surface water (pluvial), estuary/coastal (tidal), or from sewer sources.
What is the purpose of a flood risk assessment?
A Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) is a report that outlines the main flood risks to a development site and presents recommendations for mitigating measures to reduce the impact of flooding to the site and surrounding area.
Does NPPF apply to Wales?
The Planning (Wales) Act 2015 is the first such Act. In March 2014 the Government launched its online Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) which is designed to accompany the NPPF. It is the Secretary of State’s view on how the NPPF’s policies should be used in practice and to provide further information.
What is the most recent NPPF?
The National Planning Policy Framework was revised on 20 July 2021 and sets out the government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied.
Is the NPPF part of the development plan?
The starting point for decision making remains the existing development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The NPPF is a material consideration of significant weight and provides guidance for local planning authorities in drawing up plans and determining planning applications.