What is Dandere and kuudere?

What is Dandere and kuudere?

The difference between a dandere and a kuudere is that a dandere character may be nervous or shy inside (not calm), which cause them to not want to talk too much with people because of their insecurity, while a kuudere character can speak while retaining their serenity (are calm) but will prefer to stay silent or will …

What is a Sadodere?

A sadodere is a troublemaker who enjoys manipulating others feelings, commonly taking pleasure from it. It is common that a sadodere will play with their love interest’s emotions and humiliate them as well.

Is Kuudere and tsundere the same?

The difference is how a kuudere will respond to everything unemotionally and may insult nonchalantly without realizing how this can hurt other people, while a tsundere will be more aggressive and start insulting because they feel embarrassed, sometimes knowing very well that this can hurt others.

What is the difference between a kuudere and a Dandere?

The difference between a Kuudere and a Dandere is that dandere characters don’t talk with people due to their shyness, while kuuderes choose willingly to not talk, only doing so without fear when necessary. Danderes are nervous and embarrassed with others, contrary to kuuderes, who don’t show emotions and can control their feelings.

What is a kuutsundere character?

Kuutsundere characters are a type of dere that are basically a cross between a kuudere and tsundere. There are 2 main types of kuutsundere, the Temperamental type and the Apathetic type. kuutsundere, unlike tsundere, do not hide their feelings behind a mask of sarcasm, but express their true feelings.

When does a kuudere go from Kuu mode to Dere mode?

As they develop their relationship for the other person, they start opening up and even showing expressions like smiling slightly over time. In some cases, a kuudere will completely melt or break their ice armor, start crying or screaming “I love you”. This is when a kuudere goes from “kuu” mode to “dere” mode.

What does kuudere mean in Japanese?

The “kuu” in “kuudere” (クー) comes from the word “kuuru” (クール), which is the katakanization of the English word “cool”. In Japanese, kuuru can mean a lot of things. It can mean that someone looks chill, calm or even cold, or exterminator-like badass whenever something happens, or even impressive, like it does in English.

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