How big do tropheus cichlids get?
Size of fish – inches: 5.9 inches (15.01 cm) – The Tropheus species vary in size depending upon the species, ranging from the smallest at about 4 to 4 3/4″ (10 – 12 cm) to the largest, reach up to about 6 ” (15 cm).
Is tropheus Hardy?
Tropheus cichlids are relatively hardy as long as diligent attention is paid to maintaining their environment and diet. These fish are susceptible to typical fish ailments, especially if water is stale and of poor quality and has low oxygenation.
Can Tropheus eat brine shrimp?
I have never seen adult Tropheus attempt to eat the fry, if not removed eventually they will merge into the group. I like to feed the fry freshly hatched baby brine shrimp until they are at least 2.5 to 4.0 cm (1 to 1-1/2″.) By getting to know them, you can keep up with what is going on in your Tropheus community.
Can tropheus eat brine shrimp?
Is brine shrimp good for cichlids?
Most other cichlids will eat frozen brine shrimp and frozen mysis shrimp. The AI Naturals Range of Frozen Foods contains both of these shrimp, as well as a Malawi Cichlid mix that has been specifically created to suit African cichlids.
What Malawi cichlids go together?
What Kind of Fish Can You Put with Cichlids?
Cichlids | Types of Fish You can put in Tank with Cichlid |
African Cichlid | Rafael Catfish, Plecos, Synodontis catfish and Larger Rainbowfish. |
Dwarf Cichlids (Including South American Cichlids and Checkerboard) | Compatible with most fish species, including Tetra, |
What is a Bemba Orange Tropheus?
The Bemba Orange Tropheus is easily recognised by the thick orange band around the body of the cichlid. Almost as popular as the Tropheus Ikola however not as commonly found in the trade however still popular and easy enough to come by if you shop around.
What is the most rewarding cichlid to keep?
The Tropheus fish can be the most rewarding of cichlid to keep though due to the rich colouration and constant activity of the fish. The Bemba Orange Tropheus is easily recognised by the thick orange band around the body of the cichlid.
Can you keep Tropheus cichlids with other fish?
Compatibility: Tropheus cichlids should really be kept with other Tropheus however the following are also compatible: Take a look at our guide to keeping Tropheus cichlids with other fish. Feeding: Spirulina-based flake food supplimented with fresh green vegetables such as romaine lettuce and spinach.
Is it difficult to breed Tropheus?
The most difficult challenge to breeding Tropheus is bringing the females into spawning condition. Additional Information: Even though Tropheus species are hearty, keeping them is not without challenges. The Tropheus fish can be the most rewarding of cichlid to keep though due to the rich colouration and constant activity of the fish.