Can you ventilate through a bronchial blocker?
Our endobronchial blockers allow one-lung ventilation through a conventional single-lumen endotracheal tube that is easier to place and poses a lower risk of trauma to internal structures than a double-lumen tube.
How do bronchial blockers work?
An bronchial blocker (also called endobronchial blocker) is a device which can be inserted down a tracheal tube after tracheal intubation so as to block off the right or left main bronchus of the lungs in order to be able to achieve a controlled one sided ventilation of the lungs in thoracic surgery.
How much air is in a bronchial blocker?
The blocker cuff is a high-volume, low-pressure balloon inflated through a 0.4-mm lumen inside the wall of the blocker. Its pear shape provides an adequate seal of the bronchus. It takes 6 to 8 mL of air to seal the bronchus with the cuff.
How do you place an Arndt bronchial blocker?
The optimal position of the Arndt blocker in the left or in the right bronchus is achieved when the blocker balloon outer surface is seen with the fiberoptic bronchoscope at least 5 mm below the tracheal carina on the targeted bronchus and the proper seal is obtained.
What is EZ blocker?
The EZ-BlockerĀ® Endobronchial Blocker is the next generation of one-lung ventilation products designed to provide lung isolation. EZ-BlockerĀ® features a unique bifurcated distal tip, allowing for intuitive placement of the cuffs in the right or left bronchus.
How do you place a Uniblocker?
Insert the UNIBLOCKER via an endotracheal tube that has already been inserted through the mouth or nose. Position the UNIBLOCKER cuff in the target part of a right or left lung. Inflate the blocker cuff to isolate the target. UNIBLOCKER shaft incorporates a metallic mesh which gives torque control.
What is a Univent tube?
The Univent tube was designed as an alternative to double lumen endotracheal tubes. It is a conventional single lumen tube with an additional small channel within the concave anterior wall portion that houses a movable bronchial blocker used for lung isolation.