Can you lose your security clearance for depression?
Over the years, the government has made marginal efforts to educate security clearance holders about the fact that most common mental health conditions – i.e. depression and/or anxiety – do not generally disqualify individuals from obtaining a security clearance unless the condition: makes them a danger to themselves …
Will I lose my security clearance if I go to therapy?
Some employees have the misconception that if they seek professional counseling, they will jeopardize their security clearance eligibility. The mere fact of counseling or therapy will not, by itself, result in the denial or revocation of an access authorization.
Does PTSD disqualify from security clearance?
The CCF reviews personnel security investigations to grant security clearances for Soldiers, civilian employees and contractor personnel. The CCF uses the national adjudicative guidelines to process security clearance requests.
Can I get discharged for anxiety?
In the military’s scheme of things, serious disorders such as major depression, anxiety or schizophrenia may be grounds for medical discharge or retirement, usually depending on their severity and amenability to treatment.
Will the Air Force kick you out for anxiety?
According to the Department of Defense, you’re disqualified from serving in the U.S. military if you have a current diagnosis or a history of most mental disorders.
Can you get a security clearance with bipolar?
A past or present mental, emotional, or personality disorder is not by itself a disqualifying condition for a final security clearance. A psychological condition does not have to be formally diagnosed as a disorder to be a security concern.
Can you get a security clearance with anxiety?
Seeking mental health services does not affect one’s ability to gain or hold clearance eligibility. Adjudicators regard seeking necessary mental health treatment as a positive step in the security clearance process.
Can you get discharged for being depressed?
You’re also disqualified if you have bipolar disorder or affective psychoses. For depressive disorders (for example, major depressive disorder), disqualification from the service occurs if a person had outpatient care that lasted for more than 12 months or any inpatient care.
Does mental healthcare affect your clearance?
Seeking out treatment for such a condition (or any mental health condition, for that matter) is NOT itself disqualifying for obtaining a security clearance. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Failure to obtain mental health care when needed can be viewed as evidence that you are in denial and/or lacking in judgment.
Does counseling jeopardize security clearance?
DoD security officials said no one has been denied a security clearance based solely on the fact they received mental health counseling, but the perception that receiving care would jeopardize a security clearance, combined with the stigma of having to acknowledge the care on the form, may have been preventing some from receiving needed care.
What is healthcare security?
The National Health Security Strategy and Implementation Plan. The goal of the National Health Security Strategy (NHSS) is to strengthen and sustain communities’ abilities to prevent, protect against, mitigate the effects of, respond to, and recover from disasters and emergencies.