What fish looks like a pencil?

What fish looks like a pencil?

Nannostomus, (from the Greek: nanos = small, and the Latin stomus = relating to the mouth), is a genus of fish belonging to the characin family Lebiasinidae.

How many Pencilfish are there?

Fish Temperament The Pencilfish can live as a single or in a group with its kind, where it will feel pretty comfortable. Best number to make a group is 6 fish or more. It is highly recommended to keep more females than males in one aquarium, to prevent the aggression between the male rivalries.

How do pencil fish breed?

When ready to spawn, and whilst swimming alongside one another, the male will nudge the female’s abdomen. The eggs will be laid/fertilised a few at a time, and these should fall into the mass of plants or down into the safety of the marbles.

Where do pencil fish come from?

The diptail pencilfish (Nannostomus eques) is a species of freshwater fish that have originated in South America. Large fish populations have been recorded in Peru, northeastern Brazil, Guyana, and Colombia.

Are pencil fish tetras?

If you’re bored of common tetras, pencilfish might make an excellent alternative for a schooling community fish. Learn about this small–mouthed and highly tolerant species, along with its complex yet rewarding breeding behavior.

Is Pencilfish a school fish?

Social behavior: Peaceful, schooling/shoaling. Origin: Tank-bred, but indigenous to South America.

What do you feed pencil fish?

Pencilfish will accept a wide variety of foods in the home aquarium so be prepared to feed them a variety of high-quality commercial foods as well as fresh and frozen foods. These fish enjoy brine shrimp and other small live foods as well as algae wafers and some fresh vegetation.

Do pencil fish eat their babies?

Breeding Info In order to increase your chances for success, it is best to remove Pencilfish from the community tank for breeding. These fish are egg layers and they tend to scatter their eggs over plants. These fish will eat their own eggs and fry, so remove them from the tank after spawning.

Are pencil fish schooling fish?

Social behavior: Peaceful, schooling/shoaling. Origin: Tank-bred, but indigenous to South America. Average adult size: 1.2 – 1.4 inches (3 – 3.5 cm), possibly larger.

How big can a pencil fish get?

These fish are named for their slender, pencil-like shape and they generally grow no more than 2 inches long. They are peaceful by nature which makes them great additions to the community tank. These fish are named for their slender, pencil-like shape and they generally grow no more than 2 inches long.

What kind of fish is a red pencilfish?

It is also known as the Red Arc Pencilfish, Peruvian Red Pencilfish, and Ruby Red Pencilfish. This is one of the most beautiful characins available, yet it vies for this position with an even more recently discovered pencilfish relative, the Purple Dwarf Pencilfish Nannostomus rubrocaudatus, which was described in 2009.

Is the red pencilfish on the IUCN Red List?

This species is not listed on the IUCN Red List. Other common names they are known by include Red Arc Pencilfish, Peruvian Red Pencilfish, and Ruby Red Pencilfish. These fish inhabit forest streams, small rivers and their tributaries, as well as swampy areas.

How many red pencilfish should be kept together?

The Coral Red Pencilfish can be kept singly, but like many characins, they are a shoaling fish and more comfortable with a group of their own kind. They will be best kept in a group of at least 6 fish. Males will rival with each other, but a heavily planted aquarium will help prevent any serious damage.

What kind of fish has two black lines on it?

This pencilfish has a red body with two, strong horizontal black lines, giving it a broadly-striped appearance. It is also known as the Red Arc Pencilfish, Peruvian Red Pencilfish, and Ruby Red Pencilfish.

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