What causes sudden brown spots on face?

What causes sudden brown spots on face?

Dark spots on the face can result from hyperpigmentation, which is a common skin condition that occurs when the skin produces too much melanin. Hyperpigmentation can be due to sun exposure, scarring, aging, and more. Many dark spots are harmless.

Can brown spots just appear?

These spots are especially common on sun-exposed areas like your face and the backs of your hands. They’re called lentigines, or liver spots. It’s called lentigo because the spots can resemble lentils in color. A lentigo can grow very slowly over many years, or it can appear suddenly.

How do I get rid of brown spots on my face?

Age spot treatments include:

  1. Medications. Applying prescription bleaching creams (hydroquinone) alone or with retinoids (tretinoin) and a mild steroid might gradually fade the spots over several months.
  2. Laser and intense pulsed light.
  3. Freezing (cryotherapy).
  4. Dermabrasion.
  5. Microdermabrasion.
  6. Chemical peel.

What hormone causes brown spots on face?

Hormonal influences are the main cause of a particular kind of hyperpigmentation known as melasma or chloasma. It’s particularly common among women and is thought to occur when the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone stimulate the overproduction of melanin when skin is exposed to the sun.

What does melanoma look like in early stages?

Melanoma signs include: A large brownish spot with darker speckles. A mole that changes in color, size or feel or that bleeds. A small lesion with an irregular border and portions that appear red, pink, white, blue or blue-black.

How do I get rid of brown spots on my face naturally?

Apple cider vinegar

  1. Combine equal parts apple cider vinegar and water in a container.
  2. Apply to your dark patches and leave on two to three minutes.
  3. Rinse using lukewarm water.
  4. Repeat twice daily you achieve the results you desire.

Can thyroid cause dark spots on face?

Hormonal changes that occur with thyroid disease could trigger melasma in some people. If you are being treated for thyroid disease or if you suspect that you might have it, you should see a doctor for proper care to lighten melasma.

Why does melasma happen?

What causes melasma? Sun exposure: Ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun stimulates the melanocytes. A change in hormones: Pregnant women often get melasma. Skin care products: If a product irritates your skin, melasma can worsen.

What is the best treatment for brown spots?

Over-the-Counter Treatments. Over-the-counter fade creams are available in drugstores,department stores through online retailers.

  • Prescription Bleaching Creams. Your doctor can prescribe strong bleaching creams for brown spots.
  • Dermabrasion.
  • Laser Therapy.
  • Chemical Peels.
  • What are the causes of brown spots on the face?

    Brown spots on the skin generally do not indicate a cause for alarm. Brown spots on the skin, also referred to as liver spots, may occur when extra melanin clumps together. Melanoma may appear as a changing mole with irregular borders in varying shades of brown, among other colors. Most forms of melanoma progress rapidly.

    How to remove brown spots on face?

    1.Citrus Fruits

  • N
  • Citrus fruits have Vitamin C in ascorbic acid, which damages the skin to some extent and helps in the…
  • 2.Vitamin E
  • N
  • Vitamin E is beneficial for repairing damaged skin. It also gives strength to healthy cells as well. It can…
  • 3.Aloe Vera
  • N
  • If you have an Aloe Vera plant at your home, then you got the…
  • 7.Exfoliation
  • How do you remove brown spots?

    Sandalwood is an anti-aging agent and an antiseptic that can helps reduce hyperpigmentation and get rid of brown spots. You can make homemade pack with two tablespoons of sandalwood powder, two teaspoons of rose water, and one teaspoon each of glycerin and lemon juice.

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