How do I find the IP address of my Cisco switch?

How do I find the IP address of my Cisco switch?

Type “show running-config” or “show config” and press the “Enter” key. The IP address or addresses assigned to interfaces on the switch are displayed in the command line interface output.

How do I assign an IP address to a Cisco switch?

Configure an IP address on a switch

  1. enter the VLAN 1 configuration mode with the interface vlan 1 global configuration command.
  2. assign an IP address with the ip address IP_ADDRESS SUBNET_MASK interface subcommand.
  3. enable the VLAN 1 interface with the no shutdown interface subcommand.

How do I find the IP address of a switch?

To determine the IP address, go to the Layer-3 device that you switch is connected to. In the Layer-3 device ( mostly a router or layer 2.5 switch ) run the “show ip arp” command. And there it is !

What is Cisco router IP?

Open any web browser and type in 192.168. 1.1 in the address bar. This should be the default Cisco router IP address and will take you to your Cisco router login page. is the most common default IP address for Cisco routers.

How do you find the IP address of the switch you are connected to?

How do I find the IP address of a switch on a router?

What is the Cisco Catalyst 4500 series used for?

The Cisco ® Catalyst ® 4500 Series Switches enable Borderless Networks , providing high performance, mobile, and secure user experiences through Layer 2-4 switching investments. They enable security, mobility, application performance, video, and energy savings over an infrastructure that supports resiliency, virtualization, and automation.

What is a Cisco Nexus switch?

The Cisco Nexus Series switches are modular and fixed port network switches designed for the data center.

What is a Cisco Catalyst 4500?

The Cisco Catalyst 4500 Series Switch is a midrange modular platform for unified communications. It is designed for high resiliency, simplified operations, and maximum investment protection with backward and forward compatibility across generations.

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