How much do military linguists make?

How much do military linguists make?

The salaries of Army Linguists in the US range from $14,859 to $401,465 , with a median salary of $72,283 . The middle 57% of Army Linguists makes between $72,284 and $181,673, with the top 86% making $401,465.

What does a linguist do in the Army?

30, 2015) — In collaboration with the Army’s global mission, Army linguists hone their skills by translating, interpreting and speaking some of the world’s most diverse languages to support battlefield commanders worldwide.

How much does US Army earn as salary?

How Much Do Army Soldier Jobs Pay per Month?

Annual Salary Weekly Pay
Top Earners $50,000 $961
75th Percentile $35,500 $682
Average $30,572 $587
25th Percentile $25,000 $480

How long is Army linguist school?

Training for an Army cryptologic analyst job takes place at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC), Presidio of Monterey in Monterey, California, and lasts between six and 18 months.

What does a FBI linguist do?

FBI linguists are experts in specific languages as well as holding expertise regarding the cultures in which those languages are spoken. These federal agents assist in solving federal crimes through the application of their foreign language skills.

Where do Army linguists get stationed?

How many linguists are in the military?

There are about 1,400 linguists at the Bureau, with the majority contractors. Some are even retirees the agency has brought on to fill the language gap, which should give you some idea of the demand. The CIA has similar requirements.

What is a US Marine salary?

Marine Corps Salary

Annual Salary Monthly Pay
Top Earners $101,000 $8,416
75th Percentile $70,000 $5,833
Average $57,101 $4,758
25th Percentile $34,000 $2,833

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