How many Companions are there in swtor?
Companion roles During a player’s main storyline, they can obtain up to six companion characters at one time. With the addition of Section X on Belsavis it’s now possible for all classes to gain a seventh companion, HK-51, once they reach level 50. Only one can accompany the player off the player’s starship.
What do companions do in swtor?
Companions provide commentary, combat support depending on their specialization, and perform Crew Skills. Players gain influence faster or slower with them depending on conversation choices and by giving gifts. Some companions are romance options.
Can you marry Kira Carsen?
If the Jedi Knight player character is male, the player can choose to have a romance with Kira and can eventually marry her. Initiating a romance will affect dialogue in certain story missions. If the player is romancing Kira, then she will speak to the player about the future, children as one of the last topics.
Can females romance Nadia Grell?
Nadia Grell is a companion character for the Jedi Consular class of Star Wars: The Old Republic. After she returned in the “Jedi Under Siege” update, she became a romance option for all Jedi Consulars regardless of gender.
How do I unlock Khem Val?
Khem is only able to be claimed by his default class so if your not playing one of those two, you cannot get him. Lastly you have to have sided with him during the main storyline. If you choose to side with Zash and let her win between her and khem so she takes over his body, you cannot get khem back.
Can Ashara be turned to the dark side?
When recruiting her you can see her “give in” to the dark side but it doesn’t change the quest, nor the character. She is more greyish than the average light side companion, some dark side choice gets approval from her, but if you choose to murder someone for fun she won’t like.
What do Companions do in the Old Republic?
Companions follow you through your personal story in the Old Republic – they accompany you in battle, and they help you with crafting and gathering in the game.
What do the companion characters do?
Each companion character has special skills that unlock over time as they level-up alongside the player character. Companions are able to fill the role for a group in a Flashpoint or group quest. However, they cannot be used in an Operation. During a player’s main storyline, they can obtain up to six companion characters at one time.
How do I control my companions in combat?
While in combat, most of the time you can set your companion to the role you want them to have and then focus only on your own abilities, letting your companion choose what they want to do during the fight by themselves. However, you can also manually control your companion a bit.
Where can I buy companions customization?
You can buy Companions Customization at several Companion Customization Vendors. These Companion Customizations can be equipped by opening your character sheet (default hotkey “C”), clicking on the companion tab, and then right clicking the customization in your inventory.