How do I comment in phpMyAdmin?

How do I comment in phpMyAdmin?

There are three syntaxes that you can use to create a comment within your SQL statement in MySQL.

  1. Syntax Using # symbol. The syntax for creating a SQL comment in MySQL using # symbol is: # comment goes here.
  2. Syntax Using — symbol.
  3. Syntax Using /* and */ symbols.

How do I add a comment to a column in phpMyAdmin?

To edit column comments select a column by checking the box to the left of its name and click on the Change button. This action will open a column editor where you can add or edit a comment in the Comments field. To save comment click Save button.

How do I add comments to a table in MySQL?

The comments can be added to the MySQL columns while creating a table by adding the COMMENT keyword after the column definition, as shown above for column emp_name. The table is created successfully with comments. Confirm the same in column information using MySQL workbench.

How do you make a comment in HTML code?

An HTML comment begins with –– and the comment closes with ––> . HTML comments are visible to anyone that views the page source code, but are not rendered when the HTML document is rendered by a browser.

Which is a way to represent comment in MySQL?

MySQL Server supports three comment styles: From a # character to the end of the line. From a — sequence to the end of the line. In MySQL, the — (double-dash) comment style requires the second dash to be followed by at least one whitespace or control character (such as a space, tab, newline, and so on).

How do I see column comments in MySQL?

Show table column comments

  2. FROM information_schema. COLUMNS a.
  3. WHERE a. TABLE_NAME = ’employee’;

How do you add a column in administrator?

Click to the table, then “alter table” and then the plus (+) icon next to the column you want to add the new column after.

How do I edit a comment in SQL?

Edit column comments

  1. Edit column comments.
  2. or extend table columns, select column and choose Comment…
  3. This will open column comments editor:
  4. If you chose the first option then you need to specify column from the drop down menu first.
  5. You will be able to update comments in the last column of Columns grid.

How do I add a column description in MySQL?

The syntax to add a column in a table in MySQL (using the ALTER TABLE statement) is: ALTER TABLE table_name ADD new_column_name column_definition [ FIRST | AFTER column_name ]; table_name.

What can you do with phpMyAdmin?

Administer your databases using an open-source web application. Set up phpMyAdmin on both Windows and Linux-based servers. Modify any value within your databases. Execute Structured Query Language (SQL) queries to interact with your databases more efficiently. Create and remove databases at will.

How do I install phpMyAdmin on a Linux server?

If you’re using Linux, you can do so using a simple apt-get command, whereas Windows Server users can use the Composer tool for an easy setup. However, you’ll usually find access to the latest version of phpMyAdmin within your hosting account.

How do I delete a database in phpMyAdmin?

To delete a database, go to the phpMyAdmin main screen and look for the Databases tab at the top: Inside, you’ll find a list of all the databases you have access to. If you have the right permissions, you’ll also see the option to select those databases and ‘drop’ them (which is database speak for deletion):

Where can I find the latest version of phpMyAdmin?

However, you’ll usually find access to the latest version of phpMyAdmin within your hosting account. To access it, navigate to your management dashboard (usually cPanel or Plesk), log in using your credentials, then look for the Databases section – there should be a phpMyAdmin icon inside:

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