What is a forest stewardship plan?
A forest stewardship plan is a working guide that allows the landowner to maximize the wildlife, timber, recreation, aesthetic value, and other benefits of owning woodland. This plan, if followed, should transform the forest into one that is enjoyable and productive for the owner and for future generations.
What are examples of forest management practices?
Forestry Best Management Practices
- Pre-harvest planning.
- Streamside management zones.
- Forest wetlands protection.
- Road construction and maintenance.
- Timber harvesting.
- Revegetation.
- Fire management.
- Forest chemical management.
Why is Forest Stewardship important?
Actively managed forests provide timber, fuel wood, wildlife habitat, watershed protection, recreational opportunities, and many other benefits. They also benefit adjacent National Forest System lands by creating healthier, more resilient landscapes overall.
What does the Forest Stewardship Council FSC do?
The Forest Stewardship Council sets standards for responsible forest management. A voluntary program, FSC uses the power of the marketplace to protect forests for future generations. Some people feel the best way to prevent deforestation is to stop using forest products.
What is a forest planner?
A forest management plan outlines your family’s vision for your forest, describes the current forest condition, and outlines a plan of action to achieve your management goals. A plan can help you keep track of activities, communicate with family members and professionals, and earn green certification for your forest.
What are the 3 types of management for forests?
Forest Management Types
- Forest Wilderness.
- Managed Forests.
- Urban Forests.
- Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI)
- Plantation Forests.
What are forestry best management practices?
Forestry best management practices (BMPs) are used to protect water quality during timber harvests and other forest management activities. Some examples of BMPs include correctly planning and constructing forest roads (on the appropriate slopes, etc.), log landings, stream buffers, and stream crossings.
What is a Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP)?
A forest stewardship plan (FSP) is a map-based, landscape-level plan of potential forest development activities that are intended to take place in the plan area. Forest agreement holders must prepare, and have approved by government, a forest stewardship plan before harvesting or road building activities can begin.
How does the Forest Stewardship Program work?
The Forest Stewardship Program (FSP) of the U.S. Forest Service works in partnership with state forestry agencies, cooperative extension, and conservation districts to connect private landowners with the information and tools they need to manage their forests and woodlands.
What is a template forest?
Temperate forests are those found in the moderate climates between the tropics and boreal regions in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere . They may also be called “four-season forests” because the midlatitude climates harboring them tend to experience four distinct seasons. Temperate forest often refers specifically to the temperate deciduous forests widespread in eastern North America and Eurasia , but other temperate-forest types exist in the planet’s middle latitudes where moderate, frequently four-season climates encourage diverse tree growth.
What is Forest Stewardship?
Forest Stewardship Program. Forest Stewardship is defined as active management of forests and related resources to keep these lands in a productive and healthy condition for present and future generations, and to increase the economic, environmental and social benefits of these lands.