How do New Yorkers talk?

How do New Yorkers talk?

New Yorkers are known for being direct, opinionated and confident. They are also known for talking a lot, and talking loudly. Speak quickly and succinctly. Use loud, expressive tones when speaking.

What is the slang name for New York?

the Big Apple
New York City is known by many nicknames—such as “the City that Never Sleeps” or “Gotham”—but the most popular one is probably “the Big Apple.” How did this nickname come about?

Do New Yorkers say yo?

“Yo, my good person.” “Yo, yourself.” Thanks to the electronic diffusion of culture, yo is now probably as universally understood as high fives, pre-torn jeans and color-coordinated beepers, but the expression is rooted in New York and should, in fact, be included on the seal of the city.

What does B stand for in New York slang?

If you hear it from folk educated at NYC public schools, it is short for “Brother or “Bro.” Often it’s used in answers to questions or comments as “Naw, B.” or “Yeah, B.” You May also hear “Son” or “Cuz” or “Primo” used the same way. In some Queens communities, you may hear “D” instead.

What does TP mean in NY?

TP is widely used in online chat and text messaging with the meaning “Toilet Paper.” (Especially during the initial stages of the coronavirus pandemic when toilet paper was in short supply due to covidiots.)

Do New Yorkers swear a lot?

Linguists and experts on American dialects generally agree that New York, among its many claims to excess, appears to be the most foul-mouthed city in the nation, rivaling only prison and the armed forces in its penchant for profanity.

What does a bo?

O. is an unpleasant smell caused by sweat on a person’s body. B.O. is an abbreviation for body odour. [British]

How do you say 50 in New York?

A New Yorker doesn’t carefully enunciate the second ‘f’ in the word “fifty.” Instead, it becomes a sound like two t’s or even d’s in a row: “fitty” or “fiddy.” Forget about it is one of New York City’s most famous phrases. A true New Yorker will mash it together into one word like this: “fuhgeddaboutit.”

Do New Yorkers say what they really mean?

Like politicians running for office or characters in romantic comedies, New Yorkers don’t always say what they really mean. (For instance: that guy’s apartment is always in Harlem, never “the Upper West Side.”)

What is the most famous word in the New York accent?

Water is another word that’s famous in the New York accent. You’re getting two different unique sounds in, so it becomes “waw-tuh.” New Yorkers aren’t just good at combining pairs of words.

How do you pronounce all right in New York City?

New Yorkers don’t have time to dwell on individual syllables. That’s why all right becomes a much quicker word to pronounce, sounding like “ah-rite.” This one’s just like all right. Drop the hard ‘l’ sound and mix it with the second half of the word to get “ah-ready.”

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