What does MSD Ignition Control Module do?

What does MSD Ignition Control Module do?

The ignition control module (ICM) gathers information from a triggering device (usually the crankshaft position sensor or camshaft position sensor) to determine your vehicle’s base ignition timing. Correct ignition timing is crucial because it plays a major role in your engine’s performance and health.

What is multiple spark discharge?

The Multiple Spark Discharge Ignition ensures a complete burn on each compression stroke. The result will give you increased fuel economy, faster starts, more power, and smoother running performance with a more even idle.

What are the signs of a bad ignition control module?

Signs of a Bad Ignition Module

  • Acceleration Issues. The vehicle may shake, vibrate or jerk when the gas pedal is pressed. There may be hesitation or lack of power during increases in speed.
  • Temperature Problems. A faulty ignition module can cause a vehicle to overheat.
  • No Power. The engine may turn over without starting.

What timing light works with MSD?

MSD ignition timing lights are the ideal choice for vehicles with MSD systems. Some of the best timing lights for MSD are MSD 8990 timing light, Innova timing light, MSD Ignition 8992.

What does MSD Ignition Do?

“MSD stands for multiple spark discharge. What is does is sends significantly more voltage to the plugs for a more complete burn of the air/fuel mixture in the cylinder. The MSD ignition also fires throughout about 20 degrees of the crankshaft rotation as well, to aid in combustion.”.

How does MSD Ignition work?

The MSD system, works by replacing the internals of your existing distributor. Basically you take the coil and rotor out of your dizzy and put back in the new MSD rotor. Put their cap on and wire in the SS Blaster coil. The new coil is 40k volts a bit hotter than stock.

What is an ignition box?

An ignition box is essentially a way to precisely and accurately control your spark output. An ignition box does this by amplifying the spark signal and then switching to rapid fire mode. Instead of just 1 spark flash for every 20 degrees of crank rotation, you get six.

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