How do you do a scavenger hunt for Christmas?

How do you do a scavenger hunt for Christmas?

Consider having one person at a time do this type of hunt. Send kids (or adults!) on a scavenger hunt in your home to track down one (or some) of their presents. The clues will make or break this kind of hunt. Make sure the final clue leads them to an area where the entire family can see them opening their big gift.

How do you do the 12 days of Christmas scavenger hunt?

On December 13th before you begin with clue #1, take a moment and explain how the scavenger hunt will work! It’s simple: 12 clues, 12 gifts, 12 days. One for each day!

How do you organize a scavenger hunt?

How to Plan a Scavenger Hunt

  1. Choose your location(s) and time of day.
  2. Decide what type of scavenger hunt you want to do.
  3. Create your lists.
  4. Hide the clues and/or objects.
  5. Give each team the list of objects and/or clues.
  6. First one to complete all the clues and grab the final object wins!

What are some riddles for kids scavenger hunt?

Pillow. Soft and plump,I’ll be right here.

  • Potato. People make French fries from me.
  • Candle. I may not be wicked-but I have a wick.
  • Mirror. You’ll see your complexion.
  • Kitchen or dining room table. I have four legs,but don’t have feet.
  • Dryer. Like your pants,and a shirty.
  • Car. You’ve done really great so far.
  • Closet.
  • Umbrella.
  • Pet food.
  • How do you make a treasure hunt?

    Preparing the Hunt Know your audience. Choose a large, age-appropriate location. Decide on a format or theme for your treasure hunt. Figure out how long you want the hunt to take. Make a great treasure. When writing clues, work backwards from your final treasure. Create a simple rule sheet.

    What are some good scavenger hunt prizes?

    Prizes for Kids. When having a scavenger hunt for children,keep the prizes small.

  • Romantic Prizes. A scavenger hunt can bring playfulness into a relationship for couples looking to spice things up.
  • Holiday-Themed Prizes.
  • Charity Prizes.
  • How to plan a treasure hunt?

    Choose your theme. Themes make your treasure hunt fun especially if you choose a theme based on the interests of those participating.

  • Plan your clues. Find clues online or brainstorm clues based on how old and savvy the players are.
  • Plan your treasure.
  • Hide your clues.
  • Send them on their treasure hunt.
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