How do you make a germicide?

How do you make a germicide?

Recipe For Production Of 5 Liters Germicide

  1. 1 cup of texapol.
  2. 1 cup of phenol.
  3. 1 cup of concentrate.
  4. 1 cup of booster.
  5. ½ cup of pine oil.
  6. 1 cup of carboxylic acid.
  7. 1 cup of Lysol.
  8. 1 cup of whitener.

Is IZAL good for bathing?

Get the best disinfectants and antiseptics to keep your body clean, treat your wounds and have a generally more hygienic environment. You can also add disinfectants to your bath water for an extra fresh feeling.

How do I make 5 Litres of IZAL?

Quantities of Izal ingredients for making 5 liters of the Germicide

  1. 2 grams of Texapon (1 cup)
  2. 140 ml of Phenol (1 cup)
  3. 135 ml of Lysol liquid (1 cup)
  4. 100 ml of Pine oil – (1/2 cup)
  5. 140 ml of Izal Concentrate (1 cup)
  6. 5 grams of White binder – 1 cup.
  7. 140 ml of Carbolic acid – 1 cup.
  8. 135ml of Izal Booster – 1 cup.

How can I make Dettol at home?

Directions and Steps on how to produce Homemade Dettol Disinfectant Liquid

  1. Step 1: Gently pour the texapon into a big empty bowl and dissolve the phenol in it.
  2. Step 2: Add the pine oil and stir properly.
  3. Step 3: Add chloroxylenol and stir also.
  4. Step 4: Add I.P.A (Isopropanol)
  5. Step 5: Add the castor oil and stir properly.

Is IZAL stronger than Dettol?

The study further revealed that Izal is 3.6 times more likely to destroy bacteria than Dettol (p < 0.05), with more of the elimination occurring at contact time greater than 5 min (OR = 1.504; p = 0.043).

How do I use IZAL?

How to prepare 15 liters of Izal

  1. First get a bowl or bucket that takes 15liters.
  2. Add the phenol.
  3. Then add the texapon.
  4. Stir the mixture until is properly dissolved to avoid lumps.
  5. Add the pine oil, and keep on stirring.
  6. Followed by the Izal concentrate.
  7. Add the Izal scent.

What is IZAL concentrate?

What is Izal? Izal is a Germicide that serves as an important cleansing substance that helps to destroy bacteria and germs which cause infection and illness to man and even animals. A germicide is a chemical substance that is capable of killing germs such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or protozoans.

What is the use of IZAL?

IZAL is extensively used in the homes and hospitals for mainly hygienic activities. In the homes and hospitals IZAL is also splashed and dropped on concrete floors and walls. After washing and disinfection these chemicals are washed down into streams and river courses.

How do you make IZAL liquid?

How do you make IZAL disinfectant?

How effective is IZAL?

How do you make 5 liters of IZAL?

What is Izal and how does it work?

What is Izal? Izal is a Germicide that serves as an important cleansing substance that helps to destroy bacteria and germs which cause infection and illness to man and even animals. A germicide is a chemical substance that is capable of killing germs such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or protozoans.

How to make Izal germicide at home?

Add about 200 ml of the Izal Booster and keep stirring. Your mixture will still be frothy, so don’t be scared. Dilute the 140 ml of carbolic acid and the 5 grams of the white binder (or whitener or white spirit) with a little water and add it to the other content and stir. Your Izal Germicide is ready for both household use or for sale.

Where can I get Dettol or Izal?

The chemicals for making Dettol, Izal, or any disinfectant can be gotten from any Chemical store across the country. They are cheap and can be used for making your desired Dettol or Izal or any disinfectant. This liquid is commonly available in grocery stores.

What is phenol in Izal?

A powdery substance that binds other chemicals and makes the mixture appear whitish. This is a yellowish or clear liquid that has a disinfectant effect and potentiates the germicidal effect of Izal together with pine oil. Phenol is corrosive to the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract.

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