What does Neptune placement mean in astrology?

What does Neptune placement mean in astrology?

More On: astrology The placement of Neptune in the birth chart relates to the parts of our lives where we refuse to be limited by beliefs or bound by tradition. Unlike Mercury, Mars and Venus, Neptune is a slow-moving outer planet, meaning its energy is felt across a generation and beyond the realm of the individual.

What body part does Neptune rule?

Neptune rules Pisces, and is the ruler of the oceans and waterways. Neptune deals with liquids, art, film, and creativity. The feet are Neptune’s area of the body, platinum its metal, and turquoise, aquamarine, and sea blue are the colors that belong to it.

What is Neptune called in astrology?

Neptune, God of the Sea, is the ruler of Pisces. In astrology, Neptune is considered a planet of inspiration, dreams, psychic receptivity, illusion, and confusion. Neptune rules spirituality, and all things subtle.

Which planet is responsible for marriage?

The planet that facilitates marriage is Venus. In everyone’s horoscope, the list of auspicious planets include Jupiter (Guru), Venus (Shukra), Mercury (Budh) and Moon.

Which planet is responsible for education?

In our birth chart 4th house is responsible for education, 5th house stands for knowledge, 9th house controls higher study and 11th house predict our success. In order to get success in higher studies Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Ketu have to be in good position.

What is Neptune known for?

Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun, and the fourth largest out of all the planets of the Solar System. It is more than 30 times farther from the Sun than Earth. This is also why the planet Uranus is also blue. Both Uranus and Neptune are known as ice giants due to their compositions.

What is the energy of Neptune?

Neptune intensifies intuition and teaches us to be deeply compassionate. Neptune often asks us to sacrifice for the greater good or for love of another. Neptune refines, purifies, and cleanses.

Is Neptune a malefic planet?

Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto aren’t technically assigned, but they can be considered malefic when in difficult aspect (distance between the planets).

Why is Jesus a Pisces?

The theory goes that Jesus had his origins as an avatar of the Pisces constellation – he was a figure who was meant to symbolise the movement of the sky at the dawn of the Age of Pisces. Evidence for this comes from the practices of the early Christians where they used the fish as the symbol of Jesus.

What is the sign sequence of Kaksha in astrology?

Every Kaksha is ruled by 8 diffrent planet. The sequence of Kaksha will be Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon and lagan. So in any sign sequence of Kaksha will be

What is the Kaksha of the planets during transit?

18° 45′ to 22° 30′ Mercury Kaksha. 22° 30′ to 26° 15′ Moon kaksha. 26° 15′ to 30° Lagan Kaksha. Every planet during transit first enter Saturn Kaksha then entre Jupiter Kaksha and last lagan Kaksha. Means any Planet in any sign transit every Kaksha one by one.

What is the length of a Kaksha?

We divide a sign into 8 equal orbit. Each orbit is known as Kaksha. So length of each Kaksha will be 3°45′. Every Kaksha is ruled by 8 diffrent planet. The sequence of Kaksha will be Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon and lagan.

What are the effects of Mars transiting Kakshas?

Mars produces good results while transiting the Kakshas where there is a positive point and if negative point is there he gives bad results. In example horoscope case Mars while transiting the Last kaksha of Aries, from 26°15′ to 30 degrees will give good results as Mars has contributed a positive point there.

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