Where can I buy Adoulin maps FFXI?
NOTE: As of the December 10, 2014 Version Update, it is now possible to buy all maps with gil at map vendors (maps in Abyssea and Seekers of Adoulin are bought with Cruor and Bayld, respectively).
Where can I buy maps windurst?
- Karine in Bastok Markets (H-9)
- Rex in Port Bastok (J-7)
- Elesca in Northern San d’Oria (I-8)
- Violitte in Southern San d’Oria (G-10)
- Mhoji Roccoruh in Port Windurst (G-9)
- Pehki Machumaht in Windurst Woods (H-11)
- Ludwig in Mhaura (H-9)
- Lombaria in Selbina (I-7)
How do you get maps in FFXI?
The areas in FFXI are given maps to help characters navigate as they move around within the world of Vana’diel. The key items that provide these maps can be acquired through purchase, via quests and missions, or by opening a chest or coffer that contains the map.
How do I get to Qufim Island?
Qufim is accessed via Port Jeuno by going down the stairs. Chocobo quest requires you to be level 20 to obtain the license and ride chocobos properly, but I’m pretty sure a level 15 job can also ride chocobos for half the normal time limit provided you already have the license. You do the quest in Upper Jeuno.
How do you get to the upper Delkfutt Tower?
- Zone into Lower Delkfutt’s Tower for a cutscene (this is possibly optional).
- Once inside Delkfutt’s Tower, if you are using a Delkfutt Key, make a left at the first fork and go to (E-8 ) staying on the lower level.
- Click it and you’ll be transported to Upper Delkfutt Tower.
How do I get to Stellar Fulcrum FFXI?
On the 11th floor, go North-East across the room to (I/J-6) to the stairs that lead to the 12th floor. On the 12th floor, go South-West to (F-10). Go through the portal to Stellar Fulcrum.
How do you get the key for Delkfutt?
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.