What is s-MRAM (ESRAM)?

What is s-MRAM (ESRAM)?

Background on Embedded MRAM (eSRAM) Embedded S-MRAM (eSRAM) technology is analogous to embedded SRAM technology which is widely used in SoCs.

What is the transfer rate of DDR SDRAM?

The transfer rate of DDR SDRAM is the double of SDR SDRAM without changing the internal clock. DDR SDRAM, as the first generation of DDR memory, the prefetch buffer is 2bit, which is the double of SDR SDRAM. The transfer rate of DDR is between 266~400 MT/s. DDR266 and DDR400 are of this type.

What is SDRAM and how does it work?

Unlike previous technologies, SDRAM is designed to synchronize itself with the timing of the CPU. This enables the memory controller to know the exact clock cycle when the requested data will be ready, so the CPU no longer has to wait between memory accesses.

What is the difference between DDR266 and DDR400?

The transfer rate of DDR is between 266~400 MT/s. DDR266 and DDR400 are of this type. Its primary benefit is the ability to operate the external data bus twice as fast as DDR SDRAM. This is achieved by improved bus signal. The prefetch buffer of DDR2 is 4 bit (double of DDR SDRAM).

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