Why is blonde spelled two different ways?

Why is blonde spelled two different ways?

‘Blond’ Versus ‘Blonde’ The word originally came into English from Old French, where it has masculine and feminine forms. As an English noun, it kept those two forms; thus, a blond is a fair-haired male, and a blonde is a fair-haired female.

Is blonde correct?

4 days ago
Both “blonde” and “blond” are correct, though which is best to use depends on the circumstance. In clear terms, “blond” is an adjective used for masculine nouns (i.e. the blond boy) while “blonde” is only attributed to female nouns (i.e. the girl is blonde.)

Is blonde bad word?

Blonde may be used to describe a woman’s hair, but it is sometimes considered offensive to refer to a woman as ‘a blonde’ because hair colour should not define what a person is like.

Is blonde a real word?

Blonde and blond are both adjectives most commonly used to describe the color of light or yellowish hair or someone who has such hair. They can also both be used as nouns referring to a person with such hair, as in Should I make this character a blond or a redhead?

Why is blonde spelled without an e?

It’s just that in French, blond is the masculine form, both as a noun and adjective; adding the E makes it feminine. So, a woman with blond hair is une blonde, a man, un blond.

Do you spell blonde with an E?

When describing males, you would use blond: He is blond. You can add an E to blond when you describe females: She is blonde. This rare persistence of French forms can be confusing for some because English doesn’t usually change the endings of adjectives to reflect gender.

Can males be blonde?

It is common, and not incorrect, to use blond for both males and females. The difference is indistinguishable in spoken English because the E does not change the pronunciation. Do people of a particular hair color really have the most fun?

Who is a blonde person?

Blonde (with an “e” at the end) is usually used to describe the yellowish-colored hair of a female. There the noun blonde is used to mean a person (a woman) with light-colored hair and skin. So you can either say, “She is blonde,” or “She is a blonde,” and they mean the same thing — that she has fair hair.

What is a blonde personality?

If you become a blonde, you’re more likely to be more fun, more exuberant, and more concerned with your appearance. Researchers have found redheads are more likely to exhibit more passion and more sparks. Depending on when you choose to use that extra fire in your personality, this could be good or bad.

What blonde girl means?

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