Is tousled an adjective?
Anything that’s tousled is rumpled or disheveled, like your tousled hair when you first get out of bed in the morning. The adjective tousled can be used for anything that’s untidy, but you’ll usually see it describing a head of hair. Tousled hair is messy, windblown, or otherwise unkempt.
What is the definition of the word tousled?
: to make (someone’s hair) untidy. See the full definition for tousle in the English Language Learners Dictionary. tousle. verb. tou·sle | \ ˈtau̇-zəl \
What is the meaning of unrelentingly in dictionary?
1 : not softening or yielding in determination : hard, stern an unrelenting leader. 2 : not letting up or weakening in vigor or pace : constant the unrelenting struggle. Other Words from unrelenting Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About unrelenting.
How do you use abridgement in a sentence?
(1) An abridgement of the book has been published for young readers. (2) The expressive notation facilitates abridgement in order to specify broader categories. (3) He read abridgement of the long novel. (4) He read an abridgement of the long novel.
How do you use the word defenestration?
As punishment, they were thrown out the window of Prague Castle. The men survived the 50-foot tumble into the moat, but the incident, which became known as the Defenestration of Prague, marked the beginning of the Bohemian resistance to Hapsburg rule that eventually led to the Thirty Years’ War.
What is a mature child called?
As Drew said in a comment to the question, “adult children” is the right phrase. Some have suggested “grown children” and “grown-up children”, but since the 1970s “adult children” has been the prevalent phrase both in British English and in American English.
Does disheveled mean dirty?
The definition of disheveled is someone or something that is untidy, messy or unkempt. A person who has his hair uncombed, his shirt untucked and stains on his shirt is an example of someone who would be described as disheveled. Being in loose disarray; unkempt, as hair or clothing.
What is another word for tousle?
Synonyms for tousled. chaotic, cluttered, confused, disarranged, disarrayed, disheveled. (or dishevelled), disordered,
What does it mean to tousle your hair?
to undo the proper order or arrangement of. his grandfather would always tousle the boy’s neatly combed hair. Synonyms for tousle. confuse, derange, disarrange, disarray, discompose, dishevel,
What does tossle mean?
intransitive verb. -·sled, -·sling. to fight, struggle, contend, etc. briefly but vigorously; wrestle; scuffle. Origin of tussle.
What does tousle mean?
Tousle is a word that has been through what linguists call a “functional shift.”. That’s a fancy way of saying it was originally one part of speech, then gradually came to have an additional function. Tousle started out as a verb back in the 15th century.