What does worthy ambition mean?

What does worthy ambition mean?

A worthy ambition is a goal that is, for the most part, unachievable. With that said, the ambition to become the richest person in the world is a worthy ambition but since there can be only one it’s not very likely you’re going to succeed.

In which word class does the word ambition falls?

Ambition is a noun – Word Type.

What is a worthy in England?

So to summarise a worthy, it is of an Anglo Saxon origin and comprises of a ring-fenced farming unit that were located near woodland edges or moorland edges. It may well be that these newly reclaimed farming units were as a result of the greatly increased demand for food to feed a rapidly growing population.

How do you describe ambition?

1a : an ardent desire for rank, fame, or power With her talent and fierce ambition, she became a very successful actress. 2 : the object of ambition Her ambition is to start her own business.

What is ambition example?

The definition of ambition is motivation or a strong urge to achieve something. An example of someone who has ambition is an ice skater who practices for hours each day in hopes of competing in the Olympics.

What is worthy successor?

having adequate or great merit, character, or value: a worthy successor.

What does worthy candidate mean?

1 postpositive; often foll by: of or an infinitive having sufficient merit or value (for something or someone specified); deserving. 2 having worth, value, or merit.

What is the similar word of ambition?

1 aspiration, yearning, longing. 2 goal, aim. 3 drive, force.

How do you describe someone who is ambitious?

informal someone who is determined to succeed and who works hard to achieve this.

What is the meaning of worthy in Oxford dictionary?

/ˈwɜːði/ /ˈwɜːrði/ (comparative worthier, superlative worthiest) worthy (of somebody/something) (formal) having the qualities that deserve somebody/something. Very few of his ideas are worthy of further attention.

What is the meaning of be worthy of?

: good enough to have been written, said, done, or created by (someone, especially someone famous) a symphony worthy of Mahler.

What is a worthy ambition in life?

1 Answer. A worthy ambition is a goal that is, for the most part, unachievable. With that said, the ambition to become the richest person in the world is a worthy ambition but since there can be only one it’s not very likely you’re going to succeed.

What does it mean to have an ambition?

[uncountable] the desire or strength of mind to be successful, rich, powerful, etc. She was driven by personal ambition. She was intelligent but suffered from a lack of ambition. His friends would never describe him as a man of great ambition. He was a young man with the ambition to succeed in his chosen career. She’s a woman of driving ambition.

What was his burning ambition in life?

His burning ambition was to study medicine. At last he had realized his life’s ambition. He had only one ambition in life. ambition of being/doing something She never achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer. This is a tale of jealousy and thwarted ambitions. He felt great resentment at having his ambition frustrated.

What is the meaning of worthy person?

adjective, wor·thi·er, wor·thi·est. having adequate or great merit, character, or value: a worthy successor. of commendable excellence or merit; deserving: a book worthy of praise; a person worthy to lead.

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