Which cameras use M42?

Which cameras use M42?


Lens mount FFD Metering
Nikon F 46,50 mm no/yes (depending on the model and mode settings)
Olympus FourThirds 38,58 mm yes
Pentax 45,46 mm yes
Minolta/Sony A-mount 44,50 mm yes

Is M42 the same as T2?

A T2 or T-mount or T-thread has a width of 42mm with a thread pitch of 0.75mm. An M42 is also 42mm, but with a 1mm thread pitch.

What is a T2 adapter?

The Explore Scientific T2 Ring Camera Adapter is compatible with most common astrophotography rings, adapters, extensions, and other components, and is used to directly and securely attach your Canon EOS DSLR camera to your telescope. It is specifically designed to match the camera’s bayonet lens mount.

Is M42 full frame?

This is the size of the sensor relative to the size of the 35mm film for which M42 lenses were designed. A crop factor of 1x means that the sensor is the same size (full-frame cameras), 1.5x means that the sensor is 50% smaller if you measure the diagonal.

What size is a Pentax screw mount?

The 42mm screw mount was introduced in 1947 with the Zeiss Ikon Contax S 35mm SLR, then it was adopted by KW on the Praktica. Later it was chosen by Asahi for the Pentax family of SLRs. It was also used by the Russians on the Zenit.

Are the M42 lenses suitable for film cameras?

But do remember that M42 lenses will be designed with focal lengths intended to be useful for a film camera. You may find that an M42 lens will be less sharp than a lens designed for your sensor.

Can you photograph M42 the Orion Nebula?

Try BBC Sky at Night Magazine today and save 50%! Photograph M42 the Orion Nebula and bring out its hidden details with our astrophotography and image processing guide. The region of sky known as Orion’s Sword is regarded as an easy object to photograph in many ways.

Can I use M42 lenses on my st705?

Fuji made a series of “M42” lenses designed for their “M42” cameras like the Fujica ST705, with an additional mechanical lug to give you open-aperture metering on those bodies. These will not mount on an M42 adapter, so don’t try it.

What is the flange-to-film-plane distance of the M42 lens mount?

The flange-to-film-plane distance of the M42 lens mount is 45.5 millimeters. If it’s longer than that for your camera system, then you’re going to have a bad time, because that means you’ve effectively got a small extension tube, and you can’t focus to infinity with an extension tube.

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