What is the plural form of radius?

What is the plural form of radius?

noun. ra·​di·​us | \ ˈrā-dē-əs \ plural radii\ ˈrā-​dē-​ˌī \ also radiuses.

Can you say radiuses?

The plural of radius can be either radii (from the Latin plural) or the conventional English plural radiuses. The plural form more common for conventional English speakers is radiuses.

Is radii singular or plural?

a plural of radius.

Is radii plural of radius?

Radius is the singular form and one of the plural forms of the word radius is radii. So if you are referring to the radius of two objects or more then you could say “the radii of the two objects”. There is also the plural form more common for conventional English speakers radiuses.

What is the singular word of radii?

The plural form of radius is radii or radiuses.

What are radii in math?

Radius: A circle’s radius — the distance from its center to a point on the circle — tells you the circle’s size. In addition to being a measure of distance, a radius is also a segment that goes from a circle’s center to a point on the circle. A circle’s diameter is twice as long as its radius.

What is radii singular?

Singular. radius. Plural. radii or radiuses. (mathematics); (countable) A radius is a straight line between the centre of a circle and its circumference.

What is the plural form of Eskimo?

Definition of Eskimo 1 plural Eskimo or Eskimos, now sometimes offensive, see usage paragraph below : a member of a group of indigenous peoples of southwestern and northern Alaska, arctic Canada, Greenland, and eastern Siberia.

How do you draw a radii?

How to Draw a Circle of a Given Radius?

  1. Step 1: Place the pointer of the compass at the initial point of the ruler (0 cm) and extend the other end of the pencil measuring 5 cm from the initial point (i.e. 5 cm)
  2. Step 2: Mark a point O on a piece of paper.
  3. Step 3: Place the pointer of the compass at point O.

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