What was the result of Tom hitting Myrtle?

What was the result of Tom hitting Myrtle?

At a party in their apartment, Myrtle keeps saying the name “Daisy” over and over. Tom hits Myrtle across the face, breaking her nose. This is the second time that Tom’s penchant for hurting women is very real. When Nick first meet Daisy, she is complaining that Tom is a “brute” and he hurt her little finger.

What provokes does Tom hit Myrtle?

When Nick accompanies Tom and Myrtle to the city, we see the kind person that Tom really is. Tom comes across as the kind of man who has everything, but deep down he is just a bully. When Myrtle starts to taunt Tom about Daisy, Tom gets furious at her and slaps her.

Why does Tom hit Myrtle at the end of the party?

The party breaks up after Tom punches Myrtle in the face and breaks her nose. He does it because she mentions Daisy’s name.

Does Tom slap Myrtle?

Myrtle says she will say Daisy’s name any time she wants, so Tom slaps her across the face and breaks her nose.

Does Tom really love Myrtle?

Myrtle seems to believe Tom genuinely loves her, and would marry her if only Daisy would divorce him. Nick knows that Tom would never marry Myrtle, and the lopsidedness of the relationship makes Myrtle a more sympathetic character than she would be otherwise.

How is Tom greedy in The Great Gatsby?

Tom is greedy for pleasure and money. He is married to Daisy, yet he is cheating on her with Myrtle who is a big party person. Tom also is very proud of his trophies and high school accomplishments. This quote shows how Tom is very proud of his home, and he is greedy to show it off and impress new people such as Nick.

Who does Tom hit in the Great Gatsby?

Myrtle Wilson
Tom introduces Nick to his mistress, Myrtle Wilson, and the three of them spend a day together in New York. Tom gets angry at Myrtle and hits her in the face, breaking her nose. It is revealed through Jordan’s story that Tom has a history of cheating on his wife, even as early as weeks after their honeymoon.

Why is Tom to blame Gatsby’s death?

Daisy, Tom, Myrtle and Gatsby himself are blamed for the cause of his death. Tom knew that Daisy was the one driving, but he lied to Wilson to protect his wife and get revenge on Gatsby for trying to take his wife. This is the reason why Tom took Daisy and fled the country.

Why did Tom punch Myrtle in the nose?

Making a short deft movement, Tom Buchanan broke [Myrtle’s] nose with his open hand. Tom hits Myrtle because she refused to obey him, but also in defense of Daisy; he feels strongly about both women. Tom’s outburst therefore shows that he has difficulty handling complex emotions.

What page does Tom Buchanan hit Myrtle?

Chapter 2
In Chapter 2, Tom takes Nick with him to see Myrtle, his mistress. They meet up in Queens and then later in Manhattan, and have a party at the apartment Tom keeps for Myrtle. As the evening draws to a close, Tom punches Myrtle in the face and breaks her nose.

Who hits Myrtle in The Great Gatsby?

Tom realises that it was Gatsby’s car that struck and killed Myrtle. Back at Daisy and Tom’s home, Gatsby tells Nick that Daisy was driving the car that killed Myrtle but he will take the blame.

Why did Tom Buchanan cheat on Daisy?

It is revealed through Jordan’s story that Tom has a history of cheating on his wife, even as early as weeks after their honeymoon. He confronts them and challenges Gatsby’s claim on his wife. Tom gets Daisy to confess that she loved him, and he sends her off with Gatsby in contempt.

Why does Tom hit Myrtle in the Great Gatsby?

Tom tells her to stop, and when she doesn’t, he hits her. Tom’s violence is quick and unthinking, suggesting this is not the first time he’s used physical force to get his way. Tom hits Myrtle because she refused to obey him, but also in defense of Daisy; he feels strongly about both women.

Why did Daisy accidentally hit Myrtle with Gatsby’s car?

Earlier, Myrtle saw Tom driving Gatsby’s car into the city, so when she sees the car again, she assumes it is Tom and runs into the road to get his attention. This surprises Daisy, and she accidentally hits Myrtle with the car. Hover for more information.

Who is driving the car that Myrtle thinks belongs to Tom?

Daisy is driving it, and after she runs Myrtle over, she keeps on going. Myrtle, however, believes the car belongs to Tom. This is because Tom is driving it when he stops to get gas at the station on the way to New York City. Tom taunts George Wilson by pretending it is his own and asking him if he wants to buy it.

Why does Tom feel guilty when Myrtle mentions Daisy’s name?

So when Myrtle mentions Daisy’s name, Tom starts feeling guilty because even though he does not have the deepest feeling for his mistress, he is not home with his wife. Tom would also never be violent with Daisy because he does not only love her, but also cherishes her.

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