What is the meaning of auf?

What is the meaning of auf?

auf is a two-way-preposition. The Dative expresses that something is on top of something and Accusative tells us that on top of something is the destination of the action.

When to use auf german?

Auf is always used when something is resting on something else that is horizontal and an is used when something is resting on something that is vertical: auf dem Tisch – on the table (horizontal) but an der Wand – on the wall (vertical).

What is Schein?

Schein noun. bill, note, certificate, sham, appearance. Similar Words.

What does pass auf mean in English?

do you mind
do you mind! used to show annoyance, stop someone doing something etc. Do you mind!

What does auf stand for in Norway?

Workers’ Youth League (Norway)

Workers’ Youth League Arbeidernes ungdomsfylking Arbeidarane si ungdomsfylking AUF
Headquarters Oslo, Norway
Membership 13,922 (2011)
Ideology Social democracy, Democratic socialism Feminism
Mother party Labour Party

Is Auf Wiedersehen formal?

– Auf Wiedersehen! The formal expression for saying goodbye is used with unfamiliar adults, in business situations, with officials, and when shopping. Men are addressed formally as Herr followed by their surname, women as Frau followed by their surname.

What is ab German?

The German prefix ab- is used in separable verbs, and can mean either ‘off’ or ‘from’. It is also related to af- in Dutch, Afrikaans and Danish, and av in Swedish and Norwegian. An example of a separable verb with the prefix ab- in German is abhängen, meaning ‘to depend’.

What is pass auf in German?

do you mind! used to show annoyance, stop someone doing something etc. Do you mind!

What is the full form of Auf?


Acronym Definition
AUF Agent Under Fire (James Bond video game)
AUF Airborne Use of Force (US Coast Guard)
AUF Available University Fund (Texas)
AUF African Unification Front

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