What makes a good rapier?

What makes a good rapier?

Ensure that the blade is flexible enough not to hurt too much when you strike but firm enough not to wobble when you move it through the air or interact with another weapon. A good test for a rapier’s flexibility is to hold the sword by the grip and place the sword against a home scale.

Can a rapier be used for slashing?

You can, but because a rapier is straight rather than curved, a “slash” isn’t delivered the same way you would with a cutlass or sabre. The shape of most rapiers (a relatively thin blade without a lot of mass behind it) generally made them quick blades, but not especially powerful.

Is a rapier an effective weapon?

Are they the greatest swords ever, guaranteed to beat all the rest? No. But as long as everyone is obsessed with this one-upmanship of comparing one blade to another, it’s worth pointing out that rapiers really are the best choice in single combat if the objective is to simply beat the other fighter, not kill them.

Can you wield a rapier and a dagger?

Personally I am not that much of a dual wielder in games, but using a rapier and a dagger is the most realistic option of dual wielding (yes I know, don’t even bother with realism in DnD). I would allow rapier and dagger if I was DM without requireing my player to grab a feat.

Why are rapiers so heavy?

As rapiers were primarily intended to be used in the thrust (yes, yes, I know, Meyer used a lot of cuts too) these long blades require a thick central diameter to keep them rigid. This means that rapier blades have a lot of steel way out toward the tip, and steel is heavy and has a lot of inertia.

Are rapiers weak?

How strong were rapier blades, couldn’t they break easily? Yet, a rapier blade is by no means fragile nor vulnerable to being easily broken or cut by other swords (though its slender tip might on occasion snap).

Can you use 2 rapiers?

How ‘dual wielding’ works is that you can hold any two weapons you like that don’t have the ‘Two-handed’ property. A wizard can hold both a longsword and a staff without an issue, and your rogue could hold two rapiers without issue.

What’s better longsword or rapier?

As a longsword is used in two hands, the weight difference is irrelevant. A rapier is not automatically faster than a longsword, though it tends to be faster in the thrust. However, the longsword is very good at using the leverage advantage to parry and then counter from the bind, for which a rapier is poor.

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