How do I contact admissions to Texas A&M?

How do I contact admissions to Texas A&M?

For more information about this program please contact an Admissions Counselor at the Aggieland Prospective Student Center by calling (979)458-0950 or via email at [email protected].

Where do I send transcripts to Texas A&M?

The email address to send transcripts via eSCRIP-SAFE, Parchment, and National Student Clearinghouse is [email protected].

Do you send transcripts to Texas A&M?

Only applicants offered admission who plan to enroll at Texas A&M are required to submit official high school and college transcripts after graduation. Final official high school transcripts must be received by August 15. College transcripts should be provided prior to your New Student Conference if possible.

How do I send my high school transcripts to Texas A&M?

Please submit your final transcript from your school via TREx—the electronic transcript service offered by the State of Texas. Alternatively, you may mail your final transcripts to: Office of Admissions, Texas A&M University, P.O. Box 30014, College Station, TX 77842-3014.

What is Texas AM email address?

There are two email addresses associated with your Net ID username: “[email protected]” and “[email protected].” This email address has the option to forward messages to another email account or storing the messages on Texas A&M Email (Neo) or returning them to the sender.

What is A&M email?

Texas A&M Gmail
Texas A&M Gmail is the official email system for all Texas A&M University students. The email application is part of Google Apps at Texas A&M, which also include Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Groups, Google Sites and Google Hangouts. All students receive an account with an unlimited data quota.

How do I send my transcripts to Texas A&M San Antonio?

San Antonio, TX 78224 If previous institutions participate in the sending of secure electronic transcripts (e-script, National Student Clearinghouse, Parchment, or Trans Networks) transcripts must be sent via email to: [email protected].

What is my universal identification number?

The Universal Identification Number (or UIN) is a nine-digit number issued to all Texas A&M affiliates. The number is maintained by the Texas A&M System Offices.

How do I get my Texas A&M email?

Log in at or click the Email icon after logging in at To learn how to request an account, visit the Claiming a Texas A&M University Gmail Account page in the Knowledge Base.

Where is the office of admissions TAMU?

Admissions Processing Texas A&M University General Services Complex 750 Agronomy Road, Suite 1601 0200 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-0200 (979) 845-1060 Texas A&M University is closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Can I change my TAMU email?

If you are looking for a different Texas A&M email address, but do not want to change your NetID, you can create an additional email address and make it your new published email address (click Email Settings, Change or Add Email).

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