What is the best definition for antagonist?

What is the best definition for antagonist?

Full Definition of antagonist 1 : one that contends with or opposes another : adversary, opponent political antagonists. 2 : an agent of physiological antagonism: such as. a : a muscle that contracts with and limits the action of an agonist with which it is paired.

Who is the antagonist in the play?

In storytelling, the antagonist is the opposer or combatant working against the protagonist’s or leading characters’ goal (“antagonizing”) and creating the main conflict. The antagonist can be one character or a group of characters. In traditional narratives, the antagonist is synonymous with “the bad guy.”

What is a protagonist in drama?

Full Definition of protagonist 1a(1) : the principal character in a literary work (such as a drama or story) (2) : the leading actor or principal character in a television show, movie, book, etc. b : an active participant in an event. 2 : a leader, proponent, or supporter of a cause : champion.

What is antagonist and protagonist?

Show Transcript welcome to protagonist and antagonist the protagonist is frequently known as the hero of the story while the antagonist is the villain the pro Agonist and the antagonist tend to be in conflict with one another the protagonist is the central character in a story this character is often referred to as the …

What is the protagonist in a play?

The most common definition of protagonist is the leading character of a drama or literary work. You can see the relation to its Greek root word in the sense that the character is important in the plot. Sometimes, the term hero refers to a male protagonist.

What are antagonist exercises?

Antagonist training is the act of training muscle groups that oppose or antagonize one another. For example, climbers tend to have strong biceps from constantly pulling themselves upwards on the rock, whereas the triceps are often underdeveloped from a lack of use.

What is a protagonist example?

The protagonist of a story is its main character, who has the sympathy and support of the audience. This character tends to be involved in or affected by most of the choices or conflicts that arise in the narrative. For example, Snow White is the protagonist of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

What’s the difference between main character and protagonist?

What Is the Difference Between a Protagonist and a Main Character? The main character (sometimes called “principal character”) and the protagonist are both two central characters, but the protagonist drives the plot forward while the main character is impacted by the plot.

How do you describe a protagonist?

Protagonist Definition A protagonist is the central character or leading figure in poetry, narrative, novel or any other story. A protagonist is sometimes a “hero” to the audience or readers. The word originally came from the Greek language, and in Greek drama it refers to the person who led the chorus.

What is a protagonist and antagonist?

Who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist in the play?

Protagonist and antagonist and are nouns that refer to characters in a story. The protagonist is the main character, often a hero. The antagonist is the character who opposes the protagonist, often a villain.

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