What is GP JC?

What is GP JC?

The General Paper (GP) is one of the most abstract, and toughest papers to score at the A Level examinations. JC students often find themselves barely passing or getting a mere D/E grade for this subject throughout their 2 years in school, and are struggling to find a way to grasp the subject adequately.

What are O levels called now?

The GCE Ordinary Level (known as the O-Level) was abolished in 1987 and replaced by the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). The change was made to create a national qualification for those who wanted to leave school at 16 without attempting A-levels or pursuing a university education.

What came before O levels?

The General Certificate of Education (GCE) Ordinary Level, also called the O-level or O level, was a subject-based academic qualification. The O-Level and CSE were replaced in the United Kingdom in 1988 by the GCSE and later complementary IGCSE exams.

How long is the AICE general paper exam?

4 Details of the assessment Paper 1 – Essay Written Paper, 1 hour 15 minutes, 30 marks, weighting: 50 per cent There are 10 questions in total. Candidates choose one question. 3 Literature, language, the arts, crafts, and the media. Candidates are advised to write an essay of 600–700 words.

Where can a level PE take you?

A Level PE can open up a range of career opportunities including: sports development, sports coaching, physiotherapy, sports journalism, personal training or becoming one of the next generation of PE teachers.

Is General Paper English?

Most prospective Junior College students have the misconception that the General Paper (GP) is just another advanced level English paper, having heard so much about how easy it is to fail or how difficult it is to score a distinction in the subject. Yet, GP is much more than an English language paper.

What is the hardest Igcse subject?

Toughest would be physics, triple science, maths (extended), international mathematics, biology, geography, English literature and art.

What grade is a pass in Igcse?

Over 70 subjects are available, including more than 30 language courses, and they are suitable for learners of different abilities. Cambridge IGCSEs are equivalent, grade for grade, with UK GCSE qualifications. Passing grades for Cambridge IGCSE are A*–G, with A* being the highest. U is Ungraded.

Are O levels harder than GCSEs?

If you are asking: “Was it harder to get an A on O-Levels compared to GCSEs?” the answer is: Yes, it was harder to get a high grade on O-Levels rather than GCSEs. This is because grades for O-Levels were norm-referenced meaning only a set number of students could ever achieve the highest grade.

Is Igcse English as a second language accepted by universities?

Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language is accepted by universities and employers as proof of ability to understand and communicate in English. A grade C in IGCSE English as a Second Language satisfies the English proficiency requirements of many universities in the UK and in other English speaking countries.

Is O level harder than a level?

Yes A Levels are harder than O Level’s but I have observed that if you have a good grasp on your O Level syllabus, A Level will seem easier. Scrutinizing both syllabi I have observed that they have more less the same topics.

What is AICE English general paper?

AICE English General Paper is an English class that counts towards Florida graduation requirements and gives students an opportunity to earn a college elective credit at no cost to families. Students learn to build and write arguments, support their claims with evidence, and read widely about contemporary issues.

Is Igcse Cancelled 2020?

Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge O Level, Cambridge International AS & A Level, and the Cambridge AICE Diploma has cancelled all exams. Pearson Edexcel has cancelled its summer series of international GCSEs and A Levels.

Is there a PE A-level?

Academic subjects – such as A levels You can study physical education. Related subjects include human biology, biology, social biology, psychology, physics, chemistry, geography, environmental studies, and business studies.

Can you go to university with Igcse?

Some universities may accept five or six Cambridge IGCSE grades as equivalent to one A Level or two AS Level results. Universities will also require proof of English language or Chinese language ability; Cambridge IGCSE English Language or English Literature are accepted as proof of ability at some universities.

Do universities prefer Igcse or GCSE?

In short, there is no agreement on whether either qualification will be better for your uni application. Cambridge International Examinations, who developed the IGCSE, say that all UK universities treat the IGCSE as equivalent to the GCSE.

Are A levels hard?

The A-levels are significantly harder than GCSEs since they have more difficult exams and complex concepts. A-levels are equivalent in difficulty to many university courses. The primary reason for A level exams being so difficult is that students need to spend two years preparing for 3 to 4 A level subjects.

Which is harder Igcse or GCSE?

The GCSE is considered more rigorous because the rules are more stringent, such as the fact that students can only sit for the GCSE exams in June and resits can be taken in November each year. Therefore, the IGCSE is considered “easier” due to its flexible nature.

What is the hardest GCSE subject?

According to SnapRevise, the hardest A-Level subjects to study are:

  1. Modern foreign languages.
  2. Further maths.
  3. History.
  4. Physics.
  5. English literature.
  6. Chemistry.
  7. Maths.
  8. Psychology.

What’s the hardest exam board?

The Hardest Exam Board At GCSE

  1. AQA are harder for the inattentive students. One of the key ways in which exam boards differ is in their exam layouts.
  2. It is hard to revise for AQA due to lack of past papers.
  3. The different styles of question can affect success.

What is the hardest a level science?

However, the general consensus among students and teachers is that chemistry is the hardest A Level science. In some senses it combines the sheer amount of content in biology with the mathematical skills required for physics, which can often be seem daunting to some students.

Is matric equal to O level?

But when it comes to key-words and phrases, O Level is just the same as Matric; if you don’t memorise the correct terms, you will not be given any marks. If you are not planning to study abroad, choose Matric. But if you are planning to leave, opt for O Level as that has more value internationally.

Is PE a level hard?

Difficulty. Physical Education A-Level certainly stands out as a particularly challenging course, with some saying that it’s more difficult than some of the sciences. Being a well-rounded student is strongly recommended for this course.

Is Igcse harder than SAT?

In case, you are referring to SAT subject tests, they are harder than IGCSEs and somewhat equivalent to and easier than A Level subjects. IGCSE refers to a curriculum while SAT is a standardised test taken in order to get into colleges.

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