How do I access FileMaker remotely?

How do I access FileMaker remotely?

Option 1: Native remote access via port 5003

  1. Purchase and install an SSL certificate on the FileMaker server. Open port 5003 on your firewall.
  2. Firewall Configuration.
  3. Configure DNS.
  4. Optional steps.

How do I host a file on FileMaker app?

  1. Open your solution in FileMaker Pro.
  2. Choose File > Sharing > Share with FileMaker Clients.
  3. In the FileMaker Network Setting dialog box, set Network Sharing to “On”
  4. Select the files to be hosted from the list of Currently open files.
  5. For network access to the file, choose All users or Specify user by privilege set.

How do I connect to FileMaker WebDirect?

Sharing a FileMaker WebDirect solution

  1. Open the database in FileMaker Pro.
  2. Choose File menu > Sharing > Configure for FileMaker WebDirect.
  3. Choose the filename to publish on the web.
  4. Choose which users can access the file with FileMaker WebDirect.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each database you want to publish.
  6. Click OK.

Is FileMaker go free?

The database program’s excellent design, multiple file layouts, integrated search, digital signature capture, and charting capabilities made it a compelling offer when it debuted, but FileMaker Go 12 ups the ante with enhanced multimedia capabilities, multitasking support, and best of all a new price: Free!

What is FileMaker cloud?

Claris FileMaker Cloud is your total toolset to create and share apps in the cloud with your teams, and integrate them with other popular apps and web services. It’s part of the Claris Platform that brings powerful technology to everyone, helping problem solvers tackle real-world business challenges.

How do I host a FileMaker server?

To enable a file for FileMaker Network sharing:

  1. Open the FileMaker Pro Advanced file.
  2. Click Share in the status toolbar, then choose Share with FileMaker Clients.
  3. In the FileMaker Network Settings dialog box, set Network Sharing to On.
  4. Select the file(s) to be hosted from the list of Currently open files.

How does FileMaker Server work?

FileMaker Server is a dedicated database server that opens FileMaker Pro files, makes them available to clients on your network, and publishes FileMaker data in web pages or to other applications. For more information, contact your server administrator.

What is web Direct?

WebDirect is powerful technology for easily deploying FileMaker solutions via a web browser that first became available with FileMaker 13. Webdirect requires great FileMaker server resources and good web clients (Safari, Chrome, or Internet Explorer). to be used to build public facing web sites. free.

Is Claris owned by Apple?

Also in 2019, Claris acquired Italian startup, Stamplay, a cloud-based integration platform which connects web services like Dropbox and Slack without writing code, and announced they would rename their product offering as Claris Connect….Claris.

Type Subsidiary
Parent Apple Inc.

How do I connect to FileMaker Go using FileMaker Server?

NOTE: Starting with FileMaker Go 13, FileMaker Go clients require a concurrent connection to connect to a solution that is hosted using FileMaker Server 13. Upload your FileMaker solution to FileMaker Server using the Upload Database assistant that is part of the FileMaker Server Admin Console.

How many databases can I host on FileMaker Server 14?

FileMaker Server 14 can host up to 125 databases at the same time for the following simultaneous client connections: (FileMaker Server 14 comes with One connection. You can purchase a license for additional connections if need be) FileMaker Pro Network Sharing supports the sharing of files with up to five (5) concurrent users.

What are the differences between FileMaker Pro 12 and FileMaker 13?

For example, FileMaker Pro 12 clients cannot take advantage of features introduced in FileMaker 13 such as importing and exporting themes, use of slide panels, or popovers.

Can LDAP hosts be used with notenote FileMaker Go?

Note FileMaker Go cannot access FileMaker Server hosts available through LDAP, or view and use SSL certificates from LDAP hosts.

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