What is the message of Priscilla and the wimps?
Theme: There are plenty themes in this story the main ones are Bullying, school and physical reality. Message: The message in this story is you should always do what’s right even if it is standing up to a bully or someone doing something wrong.
How Does Priscilla and the wimps end?
During the falling action she (Priscilla) shoves the Kobra in the locker and saves Melvin. And in conclusion the main Kobra is stuck in the locker throughout a huge snowstorm that carried on for days.
Are we raising a nation of wimps?
Wake up, America: We’re raising a nation of wimps. Hara Marano, editor-at-large and the former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today, has been watching a disturbing trend: kids are growing up to be wimps. They can’t make their own decisions, cope with anxiety, or handle difficult emotions without going off the deep end.
Which line from the text identifies the beginning of the conflict between the Kobras and Melvin?
Which quote identifies the start of the conflict between the Kobras and Melvin? “Melvin is one of the smallest guys above midget status I have ever seen.” “Kobras made sweeps of the halls for after-school shakedowns.”
What do the Kobras want from Melvin?
What do the Kobras want from Melvin Detweiler? They want his lunch money.
What makes Monk intimidating to the other students?
Monk does not normally physically touch anyone, but he bullies kids by the way he looks and acts. He wears brass-toed boots, and he cleans his nails with a knife. This is threatening to the kids and makes them scared of Monk and his gang. By acting mean and intimidating to other students, Monk is behaving like a bully.
What point of view is Priscilla and the wimps written in?
This story is written in first person. You can see this when the narrator speaks in the first person when talking about his problems at school. “I admit it. I’m five foot five, and when the Kobras slithered by, with or without Monk, I shrank.
What did Priscilla Do monk?
This para- graph can easily be summarized in one sentence: “Priscilla shoves Monk into her locker, locks him in, and then leaves with Melvin.” Plot The climaxis the most suspenseful moment in the story.
What type of boots does monk Klutter wear?
Q. What type of boot does Monk Klutter wear? He wears a pair of leopard -skin boots.
What wrestling move does Priscilla use on Monk Klutter?
Q. What wrestling move does Priscilla use on Monk Klutter? She gives him a head lock.
Who is Priscilla’s one friend?
Priscilla was basically a loner except she had one friend. A little guy named Melvin Detweiler. You talk about The Odd Couple.
Why were Priscilla and Melvin an odd couple?
Q. Why does the narrator call Priscilla and Melvin “the odd couple”? Melvin is short but Priscilla is tall. Priscilla and Melvin are boyfriend and girl friend.