What is the Office of Fair and safe Work Queensland?

What is the Office of Fair and safe Work Queensland?

This office enforces work health and safety laws, investigates workplace fatalities, serious injuries, prosecutes breaches of legislation and educates employees and employers on their legal obligations.

Who is responsible for WHS in Qld?

Who we are. WorkSafe.qld.gov.au is the official home of Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, the Electrical Safety Office, Workers’ Compensation Regulatory Services and WorkCover Queensland.

What is Pcbu?

A ‘person conducting a business or undertaking’ (PCBU) is a broad term used throughout work health and safety legislation to describe all forms of modern working arrangements, which we commonly refer to as businesses. A person who performs work for a PCBU is considered a worker.

How do I know if I have QGov?

You can do this by: visiting QGov’s Manage my identity page. clicking on the Manage your QGov identity link on the login or register page. logging in with your QGov details.

Does everyone need a myGov account?

It is not compulsory to have a myGov account. If you use a registered agent to lodge your tax return, they will have access to your income statement. If you lodge your own tax return and you don’t want to create a myGov account, you will need to phone us on 13 28 61 to get a copy of your income statement.

What is a Pcbu Qld?

The WHS Act places the primary health and safety duty on a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU). A PCBU must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of workers in their workplace. Duties are also placed on officers of a PCBU, workers and other persons at a workplace.

What are 3 of the responsibilities of an employer Pcbu in regard to WHS?

This means the PCBU must: • Provide and maintain a safe work environment; • Provide and maintain safe plant and structures; • Provide and maintain safe systems of work; • Ensure the safe use, handling and storage of plant, structures and substances; • Provide adequate facilities (and ensure access is maintained); • …

How do I contact workplace health and Safety Queensland?

Media enquiries relating to Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, the Electrical Safety Office and Workers’ Compensation Regulatory Services. Phone: 0478 332 200. Email: [email protected]. WorkCover Queensland. Phone: (07) 3006 6303. Email: [email protected].

What do you need to know about workplace health and safety?

Workplace health and safety Report work health and safety incidents If an injury, illness or dangerous incident happens at your work, you may be legally required to tell Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ). Injuries can be physical or psychological.

How do I contact enquiry QLD?

Enquiry type. Operation hours. 1300 362 128. International callers: +617 3006 6714. Other contact methods. Workplace Health and Safety Queensland. Electrical Safety Office WorkCover Queensland.

How do I make a complaint to WorkCover Queensland?

Make a compliment or complaint about the services of Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, the Electrical Safety Office, Workers’ Compensation Regulatory Services or WorkCover Queensland. Report suspected fraudulent activity for us to investigate. Send documents or request certain information from WorkCover Queensland through our online service.

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