What is iRunFar?
iRunFar: Your Trail Running & Ultramarathon Resource.
Who won the Western States 100 2021?
Jim Walmsley
Beth Pascall
2021 Western States Endurance Run/Winners
How do I train for Marathon des Sables?
Build your fitness progressively Physically, you should have started your preparation at least three to five months before the race begins. Long distance runners should aim for weekly runs of around 100 to 125 miles. If your goal is more modest, aim for 30 to 50 miles each week. Increase your distances in stages.
Can you walk Marathon des Sables?
You will be running or walking. Yes, walking is a good option – in fact it’s positively encouraged if it gets you to the line. You will be doing the equivalent of five and a half regular marathons in the space of just six days. And you will carry everything you need on your back.
Who is Billy Yang?
In issue #14, Like the Wind caught up with inspiring ultra-marathoner and exceptional videographer Billy Yang. First introduced to the medium of film through his Dad at a young age, Yang has been creating films about runners, their lives and their desires since 2008.
Who won the Western States 100?
On an exceptionally hot day in California, Jim Walmsley won his third consecutive Western States 100 title Saturday in 14 hours, 46 minutes. Walmsley came through the Pointed Rocks aid station at mile 95 with a comfortable lead of about 81 minutes, and the live webcam followed his final mile by bike.
Is Western States 2021 happening?
After the cancellation in 2020 and then starting fewer than our allowed 369 starters in 2021, The US Forest Service is allowing us to start 385 runners in 2022 (then 380 in 2023 and 375 in 2024).
How many people drop out of Marathon des Sables?
With hot temperatures and a drop-out rate of 47%, it will go to the history as one of the all-time toughest editions of MDS. Some competitors have voiced concerns over what they experienced this year.
How much does it cost to do the Marathon des Sables?
Entry is available on-line via the official MDS website: www.MarathonDesSables.com The individual entry fee of 3,190 Euros (or, 3,290 Euros per team member) is payable via wire transfer directly to the Head Office in France. It is important to know that the entry fee DOES NOT include airfare.