Do I have to work during redundancy consultation period?

Do I have to work during redundancy consultation period?

It will depend on individual employers as to whether they require you to work during your consultation period or not. Some employers will have it written into your contract that you need to still come into work, while others will not make you.

On what grounds can you make someone redundant?

Situations that can cause redundancy?

  • The need for the worker has diminished or ceased.
  • New systems in the workplace.
  • The job no longer exists because other workers are doing the work you carried out.
  • The workplace has closed or is closing down.
  • The business moves.
  • The business is transferred to another employer.

What do you say after a tough reorganization?


  1. Listen to and absorb what senior leadership says about why the reorg is happening.
  2. Show compassion for colleagues directly affected.
  3. Seek opportunities to use your skills and expertise to help your organization through the transition.

How do I negotiate a redundancy package?

Negotiating a higher redundancy payout – 10 top tips

  1. Set out your objectives.
  2. Check your contract of employment.
  3. Check your employer’s redundancy policies.
  4. Decide your negotiating strategy.
  5. (Almost) always seek to negotiate the financial values.
  6. Be clear and polite when negotiating.
  7. Take good notes of meetings.
  8. Do your research.

What happens in a redundancy consultation meeting?

During the consultation process, an employer will discuss the redundancy with the employees (or their representatives), provide information on the redundancy process and explore employee feedback on ways to avoid redundancies. …

What are strategic questions?

edited by Vivian Hutchinson. STRATEGIC QUESTIONING is the skill of asking the questions that will make a difference. It is a powerful tool for personal and social change. It is a tool for giving service to any issue as it helps people discover their own strategies and ideas for change.

What questions should I ask at a redundancy consultation meeting?

Ask why; why now; what are they hoping the redundancy or redundancies will achieve; what will happen to your duties and responsibilities; what alternatives have they considered (for example, furlough etc)? Make sure your concerns are known and make sure you obtain a response from your employer to your questions.

What is the consultation period for redundancy for less than 20?

Types of consultation needed and relevant time frames

Number of employees to be made redundant Timing of consultation
Less than 20 employees Within a reasonable time
20–99 employees 30 days before first dismissal
100+ employees 45 days before first dismissal

What questions to ask during a restructure?

3 questions to ask your boss when you survive the restructure

  • What are the expectations of me now?
  • What can you give me in return?
  • How does this change my future?

What are the stages of redundancy?

Basically, there are five main stages to consider during the redundancy process:

  • Stage 1: Preparation.
  • Stage 2: Selection.
  • Stage 3: Individual Consultation.
  • Stage 4: Notice of Redundancy and Appeals.
  • Stage 5: The Termination Process.

Do I have to attend redundancy consultation meeting?

You should be invited to at least 1 individual meeting with your employer to discuss redundancy. Apart from your individual meeting there isn’t a set process. Your employer still needs to have a clear process, but there are no rules about what it should be.

What is the maximum redundancy payment?

Weekly pay is capped at £538. The maximum amount of statutory redundancy pay is £16,140. You can give your staff extra redundancy pay if you want to, or have a qualifying period of less than 2 years. You can use the redundancy pay calculator to work out payments.

Do you get notice pay if made redundant?

If you’re made redundant, your job won’t end straight away – you’ll get a paid notice period. You might get notice pay instead of your notice period – this is called ‘pay in lieu of notice’. Your employer will tell you if they’ll give you pay in lieu of notice. This is as well as any redundancy pay you’re entitled to.

Can I record a consultation meeting?

However, neither an employee, nor an employer, has the right to record a meeting – unless both parties agree to the recording. It’s unlikely that many employers would agree to this (as it’s unlikely that most employers disciplinary procedures or grievance procedures would expressly allow this).

Can I be made redundant without consultation?

If you do not consult employees in a redundancy situation, any redundancies you make will almost certainly be unfair and you could be taken to an employment tribunal. You must follow ‘collective consultation’ rules if you’re making 20 or more employees redundant within any 90-day period at a single establishment.

What is the minimum consultation period for redundancy?

There’s no time limit for how long the period of consultation should be, but the minimum is: 20 to 99 redundancies – the consultation must start at least 30 days before any dismissals take effect. 100 or more redundancies – the consultation must start at least 45 days before any dismissals take effect.

Can you make someone redundant and then replace them?

This has been – sadly – common during the recession and economic downturn as businesses have had to scale right back. However, if they then hire someone to replace you after being made redundant, this is illegal and you could file for wrongful or unfair dismissal…

Can you record a redundancy consultation meeting?

An employee does not have the right to record a meeting. Meetings may, however, be recorded with the employer’s consent. As a result, rather than recording a meeting it is preferable to have a neutral person present to take notes, which may be circulated and agreed afterwards.

Can you get redundancy pay after 1 year?

Redundancy pay is based on your earnings before tax (called gross pay). For each full year you’ve worked for your employer, you get: up to age 22 – half a week’s pay. age 22 to 40 – 1 week’s pay.

Can you be made redundant under 2 years service?

If you have worked for your employer for less than 2 years, you won’t qualify for statutory redundancy pay. However, your employer must still follow a fair selection process.

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