What is a sweep on Revit?

What is a sweep on Revit?

Create a sweep form from a line and a 2D profile sketched perpendicular to the line. The line in the sweep defines the path along which the 2D profile is swept to create the 3D form. The profile consists of linework drawn perpendicular to the line or series of lines that define the path.

How do you use sweeps in Revit?

To create a solid sweep, click (Sweep)….

  1. Click Modify | Sweep tab Sweep panel, and select a profile from the Profile list.
  2. On the Options Bar, use the X, Y, Angle, and Flip options to adjust the position of the profile.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. Select the path, and in a 3D view, zoom in to see the profile.

How do you sweep in Revit 2021?

Create a Sweep

  1. To sketch a new path for the sweep, click Modify | Sweep tab Sweep panel (Sketch Path). The path can either be a single closed or single open path.
  2. To select an existing line for the sweep, click Modify | Sweep tab Sweep panel (Pick Path).

How do I create a wall sweep in Revit 2020?

Click Architecture tab Build panel Wall drop-down (Wall: Sweep). In the Type Selector, select the desired type of wall sweep. Click Modify | Place Wall Sweep Placement panel, and select the orientation of the wall sweep: Horizontal or Vertical. Place the cursor over the wall to highlight the wall sweep location.

How do you sweep in Revit 2019?

Where are wall sweeps Revit?

How do I edit a sweep in Revit?

To edit the existing profile, on the Sweep panel, click (Edit Profile), and use the tools on the Modify | Sweep > Edit Profile tab. On the Mode panel, click (Finish Edit Mode) to finish editing the profile and again to finish editing the sweep.

How do I create a profile in Revit 2021?

Create a Profile Family

  1. Click File tab New Family.
  2. In the New Family – Select Template File dialog, select a profile template, and click Open.
  3. If necessary, sketch reference planes for constraining the lines in the profile.
  4. Click Create tab Detail panel (Line), and sketch the profile loop.

How do I create a wall sweep in Revit?

Add a Wall Sweep

  1. Open a 3D or elevation view containing the wall to which you want to add the sweep.
  2. Click Architecture tab Build panel Wall drop-down (Wall: Sweep).
  3. In the Type Selector, select the desired type of wall sweep.

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