Who wrote the Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary?

Who wrote the Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary?

Elizabeth Martin
Concise Medical Dictionary – Jonathan Law; Elizabeth Martin – Oxford University Press.

Is Oxford Medical Dictionary free?

Written by a team of medical experts, the entries are accessible and jargon-free, and complemented by over 140 illustrations and diagrams.

What is the most respected medical dictionary?

Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary Known as “the world’s most trusted medical dictionary,” Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary is relied on by nurses everywhere. They also have a pocket dictionary if you need something portable.

What is the best online medical dictionary?

Webster’s medical dictionary is a top-notch spot for looking up medical terms and their meanings. MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health’s website for free health related queries and information.

What is Oxford Medical Dictionary?

This best-selling and market-leading dictionary contains over 12,000 clear and concise entries, covering all aspects of medical science. Written by a team of medical experts, the entries are accessible and jargon-free, and complemented by over.

Is there such a word as concisely?

fully, but in few words; succinctly: In that short paragraph you laid out the whole argument, clearly and concisely.

What are the contents of the Medical Dictionary?

Entries on techniques and equipment, drugs, general medical practice, health service organization, and treatment have all been reviewed, and updated where necessary. The dictionary has also been expanded in many areas, with particular attention paid to pharmacology, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics, ethics, nephrology, and psychiatry.

How many entries are in the Dictionary of medical science?

This best-selling and market-leading dictionary contains over 12,000 clear and concise entries, covering all aspects of medical science. Written by a team of medical experts, the entries are accessible and jargon-free, and complemented by over 140 illustrations and diagrams.

How do I access the content on Oxford Reference?

Access to the complete content on Oxford Reference requires a subscription or purchase. Public users are able to search the site and view the abstracts and keywords for each book and chapter without a subscription. Please subscribe or login to access full text content.

What is the best dictionary for medical research?

Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary (8th edition) (Vol. 24, pp. 38-39). Harlow: Emerald Group Publishing, Limited. An excellent medical dictionary for the patient researching their illness (i.e. reading medical journal articles, scientific findings and research studies).

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