What time does the tide come in Newbiggin by the Sea?

What time does the tide come in Newbiggin by the Sea?

Today’s tide times for Newbiggin-by-the-Sea: Monday 20 December 2021

Tide Time (GMT)& Date Height
High Tide 3:36 AM(Mon 20 December) 13.09 ft (3.99 m)
Low Tide 9:40 AM(Mon 20 December) 2.58 ft (0.79 m)
High Tide 3:48 PM(Mon 20 December) 13.39 ft (4.08 m)
Low Tide 10:02 PM(Mon 20 December) 1.94 ft (0.59 m)

What time is high tide today in Margate?

Here are the predicted tides for Margate….Margate Tidal Predictions.

Tide Times UTC:
High 03:04 4.52m
Low 09:40 0.68m
High 15:49 4.55m
Low 21:43 1.25m

What time is high tide at Seahouses?

7 day tide forecast for Seahouses 2021

Sat Sun Wed
High 01:51am (5.13m) Low 08:06am (0.63m) High 02:18pm (5.07m) Low 08:27pm (0.74m) High 02:41am (5.21m) Low 08:51am (0.66m) High 03:04pm (5.12m) Low 09:14pm (0.66m) High 05:21am (4.79m) Low 11:15am (1.2m) High 05:31pm (4.8m)

What time is high tide at cambois Beach?

Tide times for Cambois Beach

Day Tide times for Cambois Beach
1st Tide
15 Wed 12:37am ▲ 4.2 m ▲ 8:25am
16 Thu 1:28am ▲ 4.3 m ▲ 8:26am
17 Fri 2:12am ▲ 4.4 m ▲ 8:27am

What time is high tide in Amble Northumberland?

Tides for 2021-12-05

Type of tide Time (GMT) Height (metres)
High 03:12 5.4
Low 09:36 0.8
High 15:35 5.3
Low 21:58 0.8

What time does the tide go out Margate?

Tides for 2021-12-17

Type of tide Time (GMT) Height (metres)
Low 04:47 1.1
High 10:48 4.4
Low 16:59 0.9
High 23:14 4.4

What is the sea temperature in Margate?

Today’s Margate sea temperature is 74 °F.

What time can you drive to Holy Island?

Holy Island crossing times

Day Safe Crossing Times Safe Crossing Times
Fri 24/12/21 08:35 – 16:00 20:45 – 04:35 (Sat)
Sat 25/12/21 09:05 – 16:45 21:20 – 05:25 (Sun)
Sun 26/12/21 09:45 – 17:40 22:05 – 06:25 (Mon)
Mon 27/12/21 10:35 – 18:40 23:00 – 07:30 (Tue)

Is there a beach at Seahouses?

Seahouses lies on the Northumberland coast approximately mid-way between Bamburgh Castle and Beadnell. The extensive area of gently sloping, sandy beach stretching north of the harbour is backed by low, grassy dunes and features a number of rocky outcrops. …

What time is low tide at Amble tomorrow?

Amble Tidal Predictions

Tide Times UTC:
Hi/Lo Time Height
Low 00:05 1.39m
High 06:14 4.46m
Low 12:04 1.80m

What time is low tide at Amble today?

Tidal information supplied by the UK Hydrographic Office….Tides for 2021-12-20.

Type of tide Time (GMT) Height (metres)
Low 09:45 1.5
High 15:56 4.9
Low 22:13 1.3

Is Margate a tidal?

For more information, please see FAQs….Tides for 2021-12-14.

Type of tide Time (GMT) Height (metres)
Low 02:17 1.5
High 08:18 4.1
Low 14:52 1.0
High 21:08 4.2

Is the tide rising in Newbiggin-by-the-sea?

The tide is currently rising in Newbiggin-by-the-Sea. As you can see on the tide chart, the highest tide of 3.58m will be at 12:25pm and the lowest tide of 2.19m was at 6:14am. Click here to see Newbiggin-by-the-Sea’s tide times for the week.

What is the best time of day for fishing in Newbiggin-by-the-sea?

The solunar periods indicate the best times of day for fishing in Newbiggin-by-the-Sea. The major periods correspond to the lunar transit (passage of the moon over the meridian) and the opposing lunar transit and last approximately 2 hours.

What is the weather like in Newbiggin-by-the-sea?

Click here to see Newbiggin-by-the-Sea’s weather for the week. The sun rose at 6:12am and the sunset will be at 7:58pm. There will be 13 hours and 46 minutes of sun and the average temperature is 12°C. At the moment water temperature is 12°C and the average water temperature is 12°C.

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