What is the criteria to select educational technology?

What is the criteria to select educational technology?

Select the technology based on ease of use by instructor and students. Identify technology that is reliable for teaching and learning. Verify that the technology set up, maintenance, and upgrade is simple. Confirm the technology provider/company is stable to support hardware or software use.

What are the criteria for selecting instructional media?

The following sections describe the four primary categories of criteria that teachers said they use when selecting instructional materials: accuracy and visual appeal, alignment to standards and depth of knowledge, ease of use and support, and engage- ment and ability to meet student needs (Figure 1).

What are the main factors a trainer should consider when choosing an instructional method?

Choosing an instructional method then requires the instructor to consider at least three main aspects: 1) the learning objectives, to make sure the method is appropriate, 2) the nature of the materials and 3) how we want students to interact with this information.

What are two important criteria in choosing the instructional materials?

Instructional materials should be appropriate for the age, emotional and social development, and ability level of the students for whom the materials are selected. c. Instructional materials should be diverse with respect to levels of difficulty, reader appeal, and should present a variety of points of view.

What criteria would you use to select resources for teaching and learning processes?

Selection criteria should include science content knowledge, demonstrated knowledge of effective teaching practices, and depth of knowledge of science standards. Individuals who have participated in professional development in science will have a common base of experience.

What will you consider to select a specific and effective instructional strategy?

  1. Begin with objectives. Before selecting appropriate teaching strategies, determine the learning objectives for the course.
  2. Align your teaching strategies to the objectives.
  3. Align your assessment strategy to the objectives.
  4. Make modifications to the teaching strategies and assessments as you get to know your students and.

What are the five factors to be considered when choosing a teaching method?

Consider these five factors when selecting classroom technology:

  • Factor #1: Student Achievement Goals.
  • Factor #2: Budget Considerations.
  • Factor #3: Equitable Access.
  • Factor #4: Classroom Conditions.
  • Factor #5: Sustainability.

How do we select instructional materials?

Overview of key factors to consider when selecting instructional materials:

  1. Make sure the materials support learning objectives: Provide a wide range of materials that will enrich and support the curriculum and course objectives.
  2. Make the materials clear and accessible:

What are the factors to consider in making instructional materials?

Preparing Instructional Materials

  • Avoid pictures with depth.
  • There should be a moderate amount of detail.
  • Eliminate background and unnecessary detail.
  • The important objects should have enrichment of detail: texture, gradients of texture, shading, etc.
  • Portrayal should be realistic, no impressionism or expressionism.

How do you select instructional materials?

What are the five instructional strategies?

Consider the five categories of instructional strategies (direct, indirect, experiential, independent and interactive).

What are the features needed in selecting teaching strategy strategies in teaching mathematics?

Here are seven effective strategies for teaching elementary math:

  • Make it hands-on.
  • Use visuals and images.
  • Find opportunities to differentiate learning.
  • Ask students to explain their ideas.
  • Incorporate storytelling to make connections to real-world scenarios.
  • Show and tell new concepts.

What are the criteria for selecting instructional materials (im)?

Criteria for selecting Instructional Materials (IM): 5. Appropriate 1. Emphasis Vocabulary 2. Unity 6. Audience Appropriateness 3. Coherence 7. Format 4. Repetition 8. Caliber of Questions 4. Preparinginstructional objectives 5. One of the most important task of ateacher is that of preparinginstructional objectives.

Why is it important to select science instructional materials?

The process used to select those materials is critical to providing students and teachers with a solid foundation for achievement and successful teaching. This guide is designed to help school personnel review and select science instructional materials.

How do I select the right technology for my course?

Select the technology based on ease of use by instructor and students. Identify technology that is reliable for teaching and learning. Verify that the technology set up, maintenance, and upgrade is simple. Confirm the technology provider/company is stable to support hardware or software use.

How do you ensure the safety of your digital teaching materials?

Outline strategies to secure any digital teaching materials you create should the organization providing the software or service cease to exist. Locate technical and professional support, both in terms of the technology and with respect to the design of materials. Determine technologies to best support edits and updates of learning materials.

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