What is Neoceram made of?

What is Neoceram made of?

Neoceram is a transparent low-expansion glass-ceramic with a number of outstanding features that include high resistance to thermal shock, high mechanical strength, and excellent electrical characteristics. With an almost zero thermal expansion coefficient, the applications for Neoceram continue to grow.

Who makes Neoceram glass?

OneDayGlass has chosen to provide PyroCeram Glass® and NeoCeram Glass® because of the superior heat resistance and performance in woodstove glass applications. OneDayGlass also provides 5/32” NeoCeram Glass ® in black for use in replacement ceramic glass cooktops.

What is Robax glass?

Robax® is a highly transparent glass-ceramic having virtually zero thermal expansion and sufficient mechanical resistance required for all standard applications. It is produced as flat sheets using a rolling process.

Can you cut Neoceram glass?

It is produced and sold in 3/16” thickness sheets and can be cut into shapes and sizes for most any flat glass application that needs resistance to thermal shock, continuous high heat resistance and resistance to mechanical impact.

How is Pyroceram glass made?

Pyroceram is made from a magnesium aluminosilicate glass with titania as nucleating agent, and the key crystalline phase has been identified as cordierite (2MgO-2Al2O3-5SiO2). The material is machined and etched to smoothen surfaces.

What is a ceramic stove top?

A ceramic cooktop is any cooktop with a smooth surface made of tempered ceramic glass. Though you’ll usually find all ceramic smoothtops lumped together on the sales floor, there are actually a few different options to pick from: Radiant uses heated coils of metal under a sheet of ceramic glass.

Can you cut Robax glass?

Schott Robax can be cut to size. This is ideal when you need a custom size.

What is Robax glass made from?

Ceramic glass
Robax Ceramic glass is made by SCHOTT ROBAX. They are transparent ceramics that are extremely heat resistant. Tempered glass is not suitable for high-temperature applications.

Can Pyroceram be cut?

It can be cut but it is harder to cut than traditional glass. You can only run your cutter once on this stuff. If you try and run it twice, it will crack somewhere else. When it comes time to split it on the line, you have a 50-50 chance of getting to split right.

Can you grind ceramic glass?

You can grind glass, stained glass, ceramic tile, porcelain, stone, slate, limestone, marble, and granite. You just need to order the right grinding heads that work best for the materials that you will be using. Use a 170 grit bit for stained glass to prevent chipping.

Is Pyroceram cookware safe?

Pyroceram was subsequently marketed as Corning Ware from 1958 onwards, with the most recognizable piece a classic white ceramic casserole dish with the blue cornflower logo. All in all, Corning Ware is one of the most eco-friendly, safe, non-toxic types of cookware around.

Is Pyroceram oven safe?

The original Corningware Pyroceram cookware is safe to put in the oven at temperatures exceeding 500 F. The stoneware version of Corningware is also safe to put inside the torrid perimeters of the oven but at temperatures typically lower than the one mentioned above, often less than 350 F.

What is NeoCeram glass®?

High mechanical strength: NeoCeram is durable, resistant to impact and resistant to bending at even high temperatures. NeoCeram Glass® is ideal for use in wood stove glass applications where high temperature cycles are typical. It works well for high temperature exposure without the fear of destruction.

What is the maximum temperature of NeoCeram?

UP TO. 1292° F. Neoceram is a transparent low-expansion glass-ceramic with a number of outstanding features that include high resistance to thermal shock, high mechanical strength, and excellent electrical characteristics. With an almost zero thermal expansion coefficient, the applications for Neoceram continue to grow.

What is neneoceram used for?

Neoceram is extensively used in stoves, AGA’s and ovens in This type of transparent glass-ceramic also functions well when temperature vary from hot to cold. If you were to put ice on hot standard glass, it would most likely break.

Can NeoCeram be cut to size?

It has a special coating on both sides which slows down the build-up of soot considerably, and can be cleaned using soapy water and a non-abraisive cloth. We can cut and shape Neoceram to any size made to measure. customers attempt to contact their manufacturer in hopes to get a replacement.

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