Does spark plug gap have to be perfect?
Do Spark Plugs Always Have to Be Gapped? Not always. In the past, it was necessary to gap spark plugs, but today spark plugs are usually pre-gapped. It is advisable to double check that the gap is correctly set to the vehicle’s recommended setting when installing spark plugs.
How is plug gap calculated?
There are different types of gap gauges, but they all basically function the same way; simply locate the recommended gap for the spark plugs in your vehicle and then insert the gauge edge into the gap and measure the distance between the electrodes.
Is a wider spark plug gap better?
The larger the gap, the more voltage is needed to jump the gap. Most experienced tuners know that increasing the gap size increases the spark area exposed to the air-fuel mixture, which maximizes burn efficiency.
Can wrong spark plug gap cause rough idle?
Spark plugs that are gapped incorrectly can cause an engine to miss, or run erratically, especially during idle. The incorrect spark plug gaps can cause uneven firing of individual spark plugs and delay engine combustion; both of which can cause an engine to miss or idle erratically.
What happens when the spark plug gap is too small?
If the gap is too small, the spark will easily jump across without too much ionisation so no hot flash. This can mean partial ignition and low power or even another misfire. So spark plugs have a gap recommendation that should be closely followed for reliable, powerful engine function, not too much, not too little.
How do you adjust the gap on a NGK spark plug?
If it is necessary to widen the gap, do so with a tool that only pulls back on the ground electrode without touching the center electrode or the porcelain. To close the gap on a plug, gently tap the plug, electrode first on a hard surface. NGK doesn’t recommend adjusting the plug gap more than .