What is Synergy 1 Orafti?
Orafti Synergy1 is a well-known prebiotic that improves health and well-being in humans. Such effects are of particular importance during ageing given that a well-balanced gut microflora is associated with an improved inner protection and overall health and well-being.
Is Oligofructose healthy?
Inulin and oligofructose are considered as functional food ingredients since they affect the physiological and biochemical processes in rats and human beings, resulting in better health and reduction in the risk of many diseases.
What is Orafti inulin?
Orafti Inulin is extracted from chicory root, making it of 100% vegetable origin. Inulin is a soluble fibre which is great for keeping you regular! Chicory inulin contributes to normal bowel function by increasing stool frequency and promotes digestive health.
What is native inulin?
Native chicory inulin is a nonfractionated inulin extracted from fresh roots (11). Because of the β-configuration of the anomeric C2 in its fructose monomers, inulin-type fructans resist hydrolysis by human small intestinal digestive enzymes, which are specific for α-glycosidic bonds.
What is oligofructose enriched inulin?
Oligofructose-enriched inulin is made by combining two substances that occur naturally in many plants, including chicory root, wheat, bananas, onion, and garlic. Oligofructose-enriched inulin helps healthy bacteria grow in the intestines and helps the body absorb calcium and magnesium. Also called Raftilose Synergy 1.
Where can I find oligofructose?
Oligofructose is a fiber and can be found naturally in a number of foods: onions, Jerusalem artichoke, chicory root, leeks, garlic, oats, barley and rye. This fiber is sweet in flavor and is used in a number of sugar-free foods.
Where does oligofructose come from?
Oligofructose is an inulin-type fructan and is derived from Inulin through partial enzymatic hydrolysis. This conversion is a process that occurs naturally within the chicory root towards the end of the harvest. It can therefore be said to be of 100% vegetable origin.
Is oligofructose and inulin the same?
Inulin is a term applied to a heterogeneous blend of fructose polymers found widely distributed in nature as plant storage carbohydrates. Oligofructose is a subgroup of inulin, consisting of polymers with a degree of polymerization (DP)
What is Orafti ® oligofructose?
Orafti ® Inulin is a prebiotic fibre from the chicory root. It can improve consumers’ digestive health, weight management & calcium absorption and can be used for fat reduction. Orafti ® Oligofructose is a prebiotic fibre from the chicory root, often used as sugar reducer.
Inulin: Naturally sourced fibre from chicory root. Inulin-type fructans, such as Orafti ® Inulin, occur naturally in a great number of plants and vegetables, though the chicory root is a particularly wealthy source. As it is extracted through hot water processing, chicory root is of 100 % vegetable origin.
Is Beneo’s inulin & oligofructose approved by FDA?
Not only in Europe, but also in the US, BENEO’s Orafti ® Inulin and Oligofructose are recognised by official bodies. BENEO’s Inulin & Oligofructose from chicory root are now officially on the list of approved dietary fibres published by FDA.
What are the benefits of Orafti® functional fibres?
They have been proven to support weight management and help the body absorb more calcium, good for stronger bones. In addition, Orafti ® functional fibres also support a low-glycaemic diet.