Where can I find deleted fanfiction?

Where can I find deleted fanfiction?

All you have to do, is take the title of the story you want to read. Go through the exact same process you just did with the author’s name, but just type their name and the title into google now (author + title). And you will have access to their deleted stories!

How do I access archive of our own?

Creating an account is free and easy, but it isn’t immediate. To create an account, you have to request an invitation. There’s no application, but AO3 uses an automated email service to send profile invitations. When you request an invitation, you’re adding yourself to the list of other new users.

How do you find fanfictions?

Top Fanfiction Websites

  1. Archive Of Our Own (AO3) This is my fanfiction site of choice.
  2. Commaful. I was initially skeptical of this little site, but after spending some time on it, I now post regularly and interact regularly as one of my favorite fanfic sites.
  3. Fanfiction.net.
  4. Tumblr.
  5. Wattpad.
  6. Quotev.
  7. Kindle Worlds.
  8. deviantArt.

What is orphan account on AO3?

Orphaning is a way to remove some or all of your works from your account without taking them away from fandom. We hope you’ll use the orphan_account to allow your works to remain in the Archive even if you no longer wish to be associated with them, or have them connected to your account.

Why does AO3 need an invitation?

AO3 has a waiting list to allow the site to grow in a way that can be controlled. It is essentially so that the site can handle the amount of accounts there are. With the amount of people requesting an invitation it is easy to see why. If everyone could sign up immediately AO3 would not have the capacity for that.

Does AO3 have an app?

An unofficial Archive of Our Own Android app was recently released to Google Play. As this release has brought the subject back into the spotlight, we wanted to take this opportunity to share the current state of official AO3 app development.

What is fanfiction archive?

Fan Fiction Archive. An archive of many Fan Fiction stories. This collection has been made from a variety of sources, including private archives, ArchiveTeam’s 2012 crawl, nerdguy1138’s archive and also Entropy11235813’s archive. All stories have been uploaded as individual items, with appropriate metadata to allow easy browsing and viewing…

What year is this fanfiction grab from?

The grab is from 2012. Most of the items are WARCs, suitable for use in the Wayback Machine — but Fanfiction.net Download of Stories from January of 2012. This is a grab of fanfiction.net, a prominent host for fiction set in existing fictional universes. The grab is from 2012.

Where can I find fanfiction set in an existing universe?

This is a grab of fanfiction.net, a prominent host for fiction set in existing fictional universes. The grab is from 2012. Most of the items are WARCs, suitable for use in the Wayback Machine — but Fanfiction.net Download of Stories from January of 2012.

Where can I download fanfiction?

Fanfiction.net Safety Download is a single 2 GB tar file containing epub files, which may be easier to extract. See http://archiveteam.org/index.php?title=FanFiction.Net for other grabs of the site.


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