Whats the meaning of connive?

Whats the meaning of connive?

Definition of connive intransitive verb. 1 : to pretend ignorance of or fail to take action against something one ought to oppose The government connived in the rebels’ military buildup. 2a : to be indulgent or in secret sympathy : wink The captain connived at the smuggling of goods aboard his ship.

How do you use connive in a sentence?

Connive in a Sentence ?

  1. The billionaire did not believe his greedy children would connive to murder him.
  2. Because some of the gang members were tired of their leader, they met in secret to connive a plot to kill him.

What part of speech is connive?

verb (used without object), con·nived, con·niv·ing.

What is conniving person?

Someone conniving is calculating, scheming, and shrewd — in other words, sneaky and up to no good. This is a word for secretive, shifty behavior. However, being conniving isn’t the worst thing in the world — it’s negative, but you probably wouldn’t say a murderer is conniving.

What is the synonym of connive?

In this page you can discover 20 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for connive, like: collude, finagle, crimes, blink, conspire, foment, machinate, plan, plot, scheme and wink.

How do you remember the word connive?

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for connive COME+LEAVE…. come to my place and we will leave this country…. this is how criminal plan and do illicit things…. connive like convict….

What is a conniving liar?

cooperating secretly, especially with harmful or evil intent; conspiring: a conniving liar and thief.

How do I stop being conniving?

How to deal with a conniving person: 6 important tips

  1. Ignore what they do and say. When dealing with a conniving person, a big mistake a lot of people make is that they think they can change them.
  2. Turn the tables.
  3. Trust your judgment.
  4. Avoid blame.
  5. Hold your ground.
  6. Be clear about what you believe is happening.

What is a antonym for connive?

connive. Antonyms: notice, visit, censure, investigate. Synonyms: wink, pretermit, pass, overlook.

Are conniving and devious synonyms?


  • scheming, plotting, colluding, cunning, crafty, calculating, devious, designing, wily, sly, tricky, artful, guileful, slippery, slick.
  • manipulative, Machiavellian, unscrupulous, unprincipled, disingenuous.
  • duplicitous, deceitful, underhand, treacherous, Janus-faced.

Is trifling a real word?

of very little importance; trivial; insignificant: a trifling matter.

What does Kniving?

adjective. cooperating secretly, especially with harmful or evil intent; conspiring: a conniving liar and thief.

What is the origin of the word ‘connive’?

Follett thought “connive” should only mean “to wink at” or “to pretend ignorance.” Those senses are closer to the Latin ancestor of the word (“connive” comes from the Latin connivēre, which means “to close the eyes” and which is descended from “-nivēre,” a form akin to the Latin verb nictare, meaning “to wink”).

connive at something turn a blind eye to, overlook, pass by, disregard, abet, wink at, look the other way, blink at, be a party to, be an accessory to, be in collusion with, let pass, shut your eyes to, lend yourself to, aid Mr Mandela suggested the government had connived at the violence. connive.

What is the verb for Conniver?

1. to cooperate secretly; conspire. 2. to give aid to wrongdoing by forbearing to act or speak (usu. fol. by at). 3. to be indulgent toward something others oppose or criticize (usu. fol. by at). [1595–1605; (< French conniver) < Latin co(n)nīvēreto close the eyes in sleep, turn a blind eye]

What is the meaning of connive government?

Definition of connive. 1 : to pretend ignorance of or fail to take action against something one ought to oppose The government connived in the rebels’ military buildup.

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